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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
03542Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2009-09-07 23:09
Reporteruser4475Assigned Tolemeur  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.85+ 
Fixed in Version1.85+ 
Summary03542: Logic is buggy for Question by Question surveys

When ORing several answers of a multiple choice question as condition for another question, the condition is evaluated as an AND if the survey is shown question by question .

Additional Information


Question 1 - Multiple Choice

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3

Question 2 - Boilerplate
"You selected 1 or 3"

The conditions are set to

Question 1: Select one [Group of checkboxes] (qid71) equals Option 1 (opt1)
Question 1: Select one[Group of checkboxes] (qid71) equals Option 3 (opt3)

If the survey is shown Group by Group, question 2 is shown when option 1 OR option 3 are selected, this is the desired behavior.
When the survey is shown Question by Question, question 2 is shown only when Option 1 AND Option 3 are selected, this is wrong.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
test_survey.csv (4,001 bytes)
Bug heat10
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)7394
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved
BrowserFirefox 3.5
Database type & versionmysql 5
Server OS (if known)Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit
Webserver software & version (if known)apache2
PHP Version5.2.6

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2009-08-07 11:00

updater   ~09040

Please attach a sample survey which we can use to reproduce the error and provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce it.


2009-08-10 13:57


To reproduce the issue:
Note the uploaded survey is set to be presented Question by Question, the conditions for question 2 are the following:

Question 1: Select a fruit [Group of checkboxes] (qid71) equals Pear (pear)
Question 1: Select a fruit [Group of checkboxes] (qid71) equals Apple (apple)

Question 2 should be displayed when either Pears or Apples are selected in question 1. It is only displayed when both options are marked which is wrong.

If the survey is set to the "group by group" or "all in one" formats, the logic works as it should.


2009-08-11 20:21


I can reproduce the issue with the attached survey.


2009-08-14 15:09


Last edited: 2009-08-14 15:10

Hello, recently we have noted that the group by group presentation format also contains a faulty logic evaluation. It seems that when the logic needs information from questions across different pages, the OR conditions get evaluated as AND.
The logic works correctly only when the questions that define another question's conditions are displayed on the same page and are evaluated via javascript.



2009-08-28 18:21

developer   ~09257

thx for the detailed information, I'll work on this asap.



2009-08-31 14:39

reporter   ~09282

Could you please clarify which versions are affected? Is the current build still buggy ?



2009-08-31 23:59

developer   ~09292

Fixed in rev 7549.
Many thanks for this bug report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 New Issue
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Status new => assigned
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Assigned To => user372
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Build Number => 7394
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Browser => Firefox 3.5
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Database & DB-Version => mysql 5
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Operating System (Server) => Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 Webserver => apache2
2009-08-06 16:37 user4475 PHP Version => 5.2.6
2009-08-07 11:00 Mazi Note Added: 09040
2009-08-08 00:26 user372 Status assigned => feedback
2009-08-10 13:54 user4475 File Added: test_survey.csv
2009-08-10 13:57 user4475 Note Added: 09080
2009-08-11 20:21 user372 Note Added: 09101
2009-08-11 20:21 user372 Status feedback => assigned
2009-08-11 20:21 user372 Assigned To user372 => lemeur
2009-08-12 21:01 c_schmitz Description Updated
2009-08-14 15:09 user4475 Note Added: 09142
2009-08-14 15:10 user4475 Note Edited: 09142
2009-08-28 18:21 lemeur Note Added: 09257
2009-08-28 18:21 lemeur Status assigned => acknowledged
2009-08-31 14:39 Minstrel72 Note Added: 09282
2009-08-31 23:59 lemeur Note Added: 09292
2009-08-31 23:59 lemeur Status acknowledged => resolved
2009-08-31 23:59 lemeur Fixed in Version => 1.85+
2009-08-31 23:59 lemeur Resolution open => fixed
2009-09-07 23:09 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2010-10-25 00:18 c_schmitz Category Survey at Runtime => Survey taking