View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
17677Bug reportsImport/Exportpublic2022-03-08 08:57
ReporterDenisChenu Assigned ToDenisChenu  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary17677: Valid TSV file can not be used in VV import

VV import didn't work with line feed in header or in value

This can be great to have

  • Subquestion in header , or some detail in header (1st line) : better shown in multiline
  • Use copy/paste in value : need line feed

This can be fixed using \n replace by {newline} , but more easy is usage more easy is …

Additional Information

Can be fixed but use iconv on each element.
I think we already have iconv used ?

(see for a sample of usage).

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build) 3.27.25
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved
Browsernot relevant
Database type & versionnot relevant
Server OS (if known)not relevant
Webserver software & version (if known)nginx
PHP Version7.4


parent of 17678 closedDenisChenu Feature requests VV export didn't shown sub question 

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.




2021-10-25 12:32

developer   ~66924

vvexport_629533_headerLineFeed.csv (426 bytes)   
"ID de la réponse"	"token"	"Date de soumission"	"Dernière page"	"Langue de départ"	"Tête de série"	"Une première question comme exemple. Veuillez répondre à cette question :
Rang 1"	"Une première question comme exemple. Veuillez répondre à cette question :
Rang 2"
"id"	"token"	"submitdate"	"lastpage"	"startlanguage"	"seed"	"Q00_1"	"Q00_2"
1	"{question_not_shown}"	"1980-01-01 00:00:00"	1	"fr"	723848058	"A3"	"A2"
vvexport_629533_valueLineFeed.csv (417 bytes)   
"ID de la réponse"	"Dernière page"	"Langue de départ"	"Une première question comme exemple. Veuillez répondre à cette question"	"Une première question comme exemple. Veuillez répondre à cette question "	"MultiLine"
"id"	"lastpage"	"startlanguage"	"Q00_1"	"Q00_2"	"MultiLine"
1	1	"fr"	"A3"	"A2"	"MultiLigne 1 1
MultiLigne  1 2
MultiLigne 1 3"
1	1	"fr"	"A3"	"A2"	"MultiLigne 2 1
MultiLigne 2 2
MultiLigne 2 3"
PHP notice -Value.html (23,285 bytes)   
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<div class="container">
	<h1>PHP notice</h1>

	<p class="message">
		Undefined offset: 1	</p>

	<div class="source">
		<p class="file">/data/webdev/3LTS/application/helpers/admin/import_helper.php(1977)</p>
		<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">1965</span>             if ($aOptions['bNotFinalized']) {
<span class="ln">1966</span>                 $oSurvey-&gt;submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
<span class="ln">1967</span>             } elseif (is_int($iSubmitdateKey)) {
<span class="ln">1968</span>                 if ($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '{question_not_shown}' || trim($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '')) {
<span class="ln">1969</span>                     $oSurvey-&gt;submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
<span class="ln">1970</span>                 } else {
<span class="ln">1971</span>                     // Maybe control valid date : see for example
<span class="ln">1972</span>                     $oSurvey-&gt;submitdate = $aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey];
<span class="ln">1973</span>                 }
<span class="ln">1974</span>             }
<span class="ln">1975</span> 
<span class="ln">1976</span>             foreach ($aKeyForFieldNames as $sFieldName=&gt;$iFieldKey) {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">1977</span>                 if ($aResponses[$iFieldKey] == '{question_not_shown}') {
</span><span class="ln">1978</span>                     $oSurvey-&gt;$sFieldName = new CDbExpression('NULL');
<span class="ln">1979</span>                 } else {
<span class="ln">1980</span>                     $sResponse = str_replace(array("{quote}", "{tab}", "{cr}", "{newline}", "{lbrace}"), array("\"", "\t", "\r", "\n", "{"), $aResponses[$iFieldKey]);
<span class="ln">1981</span>                     $oSurvey-&gt;$sFieldName = $sResponse;
<span class="ln">1982</span>                 }
<span class="ln">1983</span>             }
<span class="ln">1984</span> 
<span class="ln">1985</span>             //Check if datestamp is set =&gt; throws no default error on importing
<span class="ln">1986</span>             if($oSurvey-&gt;hasAttribute('datestamp') &amp;&amp; !isset($oSurvey-&gt;datestamp)){
<span class="ln">1987</span>                 $oSurvey-&gt;datestamp = '1980-01-01 00:00:01';
<span class="ln">1988</span>             } 
<span class="ln">1989</span>             //Check if startdate is set =&gt; throws no default error on importing
</pre></div>	</div>

	<div class="traces">
		<h2>Stack Trace</h2>
				<table style="width:100%;">
						<tbody><tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#0			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/application/controllers/admin/dataentry.php(146): <strong>CSVImportResponses</strong>("/data/webdev/3LTS/tmp/wsk4tn5fcf4mngcpxwv7",
 "629533", array("bDeleteFistLine" =&gt; true, "sExistingId" =&gt; 
"ignore", "bNotFinalized" =&gt; false, "bForceImport" =&gt; false, ...))

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">141</span>         }
<span class="ln">142</span>         $aOptions['bNotFinalized'] = (bool) Yii::app()-&gt;request-&gt;getPost('notfinalized');
<span class="ln">143</span>         $aOptions['bForceImport'] = (bool) Yii::app()-&gt;request-&gt;getPost('forceimport');
<span class="ln">144</span>         $aOptions['sCharset'] = Yii::app()-&gt;request-&gt;getPost('vvcharset');
<span class="ln">145</span>         $aOptions['sSeparator'] = "\t";
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">146</span>         $aResult = CSVImportResponses($filePath, $iSurveyId, $aOptions);
</span><span class="ln">147</span>         unlink($filePath); //delete the uploaded file
<span class="ln">148</span>         $aData['class'] = "";
<span class="ln">149</span>         $aData['title'] = gT("Import a VV response data file");
<span class="ln">150</span>         $aData['aResult']['success'][] = gT("File upload succeeded.");
<span class="ln">151</span>         if (isset($aResult['success'])) {
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#1			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/application/controllers/admin/dataentry.php(96): <strong>dataentry</strong>-&gt;<strong>_handleFileUpload</strong>("629533",
 array("display" =&gt; array("menu_bars" =&gt; array("browse" =&gt; 
"Saisie de données")), "title_bar" =&gt; array("title" =&gt; "Saisie de 
données"), "sidemenu" =&gt; array("state" =&gt; false), "menu" =&gt; 
array("edition" =&gt; true, "import" =&gt; true, "close" =&gt; true), 
...))				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">091</span> 
<span class="ln">092</span>                 $subAction = Yii::app()-&gt;request-&gt;getPost('subaction');
<span class="ln">093</span>                 if ($subAction != "upload") {
<span class="ln">094</span>                     $this-&gt;_showUploadForm($this-&gt;_getEncodingsArray(), $iSurveyId, $aData);
<span class="ln">095</span>                 } else {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">096</span>                     $this-&gt;_handleFileUpload($iSurveyId, $aData);
</span><span class="ln">097</span>                 }
<span class="ln">098</span>             } else {
<span class="ln">099</span>                 Yii::app()-&gt;session['flashmessage'] = gT("This survey is not active. You must activate the survey before attempting to import a VVexport file.");
<span class="ln">100</span>                 $this-&gt;getController()-&gt;redirect($this-&gt;getController()-&gt;createUrl("/admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid/{$iSurveyId}"));
<span class="ln">101</span>             }
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#2			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
										&nbsp;unknown(0): <strong>dataentry</strong>-&gt;<strong>vvimport</strong>()				</div>

						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#3			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(115): <strong>ReflectionMethod</strong>-&gt;<strong>invokeArgs</strong>(dataentry, array())				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">110</span>             elseif($param-&gt;isDefaultValueAvailable())
<span class="ln">111</span>                 $ps[]=$param-&gt;getDefaultValue();
<span class="ln">112</span>             else
<span class="ln">113</span>                 return false;
<span class="ln">114</span>         }
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">115</span>         $method-&gt;invokeArgs($object,$ps);
</span><span class="ln">116</span>         return true;
<span class="ln">117</span>     }
<span class="ln">118</span> }
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#4			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/application/core/Survey_Common_Action.php(83): <strong>CAction</strong>-&gt;<strong>runWithParamsInternal</strong>(dataentry,
 ReflectionMethod, array("r" =&gt; 
"admin/dataentry/sa/vvimport/surveyid/629533", "sa" =&gt; "vvimport", 
"surveyid" =&gt; "629533", "iSurveyId" =&gt; "629533", ...))				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">78</span>             $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault);
<span class="ln">79</span>         }
<span class="ln">80</span> 
<span class="ln">81</span>         // We're all good to go, let's execute it
<span class="ln">82</span>         // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">83</span>         return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params);
</span><span class="ln">84</span>     }
<span class="ln">85</span> 
<span class="ln">86</span>     /**
<span class="ln">87</span>      * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the
<span class="ln">88</span>      * usual parameters we're getting in the url. This function just populates
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#5			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(308): <strong>Survey_Common_Action</strong>-&gt;<strong>runWithParams</strong>(array("r"
 =&gt; "admin/dataentry/sa/vvimport/surveyid/629533", "sa" =&gt; 
"vvimport", "surveyid" =&gt; "629533", "iSurveyId" =&gt; "629533", ...))

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">303</span>     {
<span class="ln">304</span>         $priorAction=$this-&gt;_action;
<span class="ln">305</span>         $this-&gt;_action=$action;
<span class="ln">306</span>         if($this-&gt;beforeAction($action))
<span class="ln">307</span>         {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">308</span>             if($action-&gt;runWithParams($this-&gt;getActionParams())===false)
</span><span class="ln">309</span>                 $this-&gt;invalidActionParams($action);
<span class="ln">310</span>             else
<span class="ln">311</span>                 $this-&gt;afterAction($action);
<span class="ln">312</span>         }
<span class="ln">313</span>         $this-&gt;_action=$priorAction;
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#6			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(286): <strong>CController</strong>-&gt;<strong>runAction</strong>(dataentry)				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">281</span>      * @see runAction
<span class="ln">282</span>      */
<span class="ln">283</span>     public function runActionWithFilters($action,$filters)
<span class="ln">284</span>     {
<span class="ln">285</span>         if(empty($filters))
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">286</span>             $this-&gt;runAction($action);
</span><span class="ln">287</span>         else
<span class="ln">288</span>         {
<span class="ln">289</span>             $priorAction=$this-&gt;_action;
<span class="ln">290</span>             $this-&gt;_action=$action;
<span class="ln">291</span>             CFilterChain::create($this,$action,$filters)-&gt;run();
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#7			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(265): <strong>CController</strong>-&gt;<strong>runActionWithFilters</strong>(dataentry, array())				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">260</span>         {
<span class="ln">261</span>             if(($parent=$this-&gt;getModule())===null)
<span class="ln">262</span>                 $parent=Yii::app();
<span class="ln">263</span>             if($parent-&gt;beforeControllerAction($this,$action))
<span class="ln">264</span>             {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">265</span>                 $this-&gt;runActionWithFilters($action,$this-&gt;filters());
</span><span class="ln">266</span>                 $parent-&gt;afterControllerAction($this,$action);
<span class="ln">267</span>             }
<span class="ln">268</span>         }
<span class="ln">269</span>         else
<span class="ln">270</span>             $this-&gt;missingAction($actionID);
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#8			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/application/controllers/AdminController.php(165): <strong>CController</strong>-&gt;<strong>run</strong>("dataentry")				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">160</span>                     $this-&gt;redirect(array('/admin/authentication/sa/login'));
<span class="ln">161</span>                 }
<span class="ln">162</span>             }
<span class="ln">163</span>         }
<span class="ln">164</span> 
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">165</span>         return parent::run($action);
</span><span class="ln">166</span>     }
<span class="ln">167</span> 
<span class="ln">168</span>     /**
<span class="ln">169</span>      * Routes all the actions to their respective places
<span class="ln">170</span>      *
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#9			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): <strong>AdminController</strong>-&gt;<strong>run</strong>("dataentry")				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">277</span>         {
<span class="ln">278</span>             list($controller,$actionID)=$ca;
<span class="ln">279</span>             $oldController=$this-&gt;_controller;
<span class="ln">280</span>             $this-&gt;_controller=$controller;
<span class="ln">281</span>             $controller-&gt;init();
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">282</span>             $controller-&gt;run($actionID);
</span><span class="ln">283</span>             $this-&gt;_controller=$oldController;
<span class="ln">284</span>         }
<span class="ln">285</span>         else
<span class="ln">286</span>             throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".',
<span class="ln">287</span>                 array('{route}'=&gt;$route===''?$this-&gt;defaultController:$route)));
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#10			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-&gt;<strong>runController</strong>("admin/dataentry/sa/vvimport/surveyid/629533")				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">136</span>             foreach(array_splice($this-&gt;catchAllRequest,1) as $name=&gt;$value)
<span class="ln">137</span>                 $_GET[$name]=$value;
<span class="ln">138</span>         }
<span class="ln">139</span>         else
<span class="ln">140</span>             $route=$this-&gt;getUrlManager()-&gt;parseUrl($this-&gt;getRequest());
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">141</span>         $this-&gt;runController($route);
</span><span class="ln">142</span>     }
<span class="ln">143</span> 
<span class="ln">144</span>     /**
<span class="ln">145</span>      * Registers the core application components.
<span class="ln">146</span>      * This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components.
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#11			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-&gt;<strong>processRequest</strong>()				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">180</span>     public function run()
<span class="ln">181</span>     {
<span class="ln">182</span>         if($this-&gt;hasEventHandler('onBeginRequest'))
<span class="ln">183</span>             $this-&gt;onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this));
<span class="ln">184</span>         register_shutdown_function(array($this,'end'),0,false);
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">185</span>         $this-&gt;processRequest();
</span><span class="ln">186</span>         if($this-&gt;hasEventHandler('onEndRequest'))
<span class="ln">187</span>             $this-&gt;onEndRequest(new CEvent($this));
<span class="ln">188</span>     }
<span class="ln">189</span> 
<span class="ln">190</span>     /**
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#12			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;/data/webdev/3LTS/index.php(193): <strong>CApplication</strong>-&gt;<strong>run</strong>()				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">188</span> require_once APPPATH . 'core/LSYii_Application' . EXT;
<span class="ln">189</span> 
<span class="ln">190</span> $config = require_once(APPPATH . 'config/internal' . EXT);
<span class="ln">191</span> 
<span class="ln">192</span> Yii::$enableIncludePath = false;
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">193</span> Yii::createApplication('LSYii_Application', $config)-&gt;run();
</span><span class="ln">194</span> 
<span class="ln">195</span> /* End of file index.php */
<span class="ln">196</span> /* Location: ./index.php */
</pre></div>			</td>

	<div class="version">
		2021-10-25 12:27:22 nginx/1.18.0 <a href="">Yii Framework</a>/1.1.24-dev	</div>

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		<td align="center">12:27:22.394759</td>
		<td><pre>setVariableAndTokenMappingsForExpressionManager with an empty
	</tr>	<tr style="background:#FFC0CB">
		<td align="center">12:27:22.455497</td>
		<td><pre>Undefined offset: 1
Stack trace:
#0 unknown(0): dataentry-&gt;vvimport()
#1 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(115):
#2 /data/webdev/3LTS/application/core/Survey_Common_Action.php(83):
#3 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(308):
#4 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(286):
#5 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CController.php(265):
#6 /data/webdev/3LTS/application/controllers/AdminController.php(165):
#7 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282):
#8 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141):
#9 /data/webdev/3LTS/framework/base/CApplication.php(185):
#10 /data/webdev/3LTS/index.php(193): LSYii_Application-&gt;run()
<!-- end of log messages --><div id="grammalecte_menu_main_button_shadow_host" style="width: 0px; height: 0px;"></div></body><script src="PHP%20notice%20-Value_fichiers/api.js"></script></html>
<!-- start log messages -->
PHP notice -Value.html (23,285 bytes)   


2021-10-25 12:42

developer   ~66926

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38

result of vvexport_629533_valueLineFeed.csv without dbug



2021-10-26 17:02

developer   ~66938

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38

@c_schmitz : if this feature can be OK in dev/master or 3.X : i take it and fix it.

iconv is already needed for TSV and excel export

Just need to know :)



2021-10-26 17:55

administrator   ~66945

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38

Sounds good to me.



2021-10-26 18:57

developer   ~66948

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38

Thanks :)



2021-12-04 11:24

developer   ~67676

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38

OK :) Get the contract !



2021-12-10 10:48

developer   ~67756

Last edited: 2021-12-13 18:38



2022-01-12 15:00

developer   ~67972

PS : contract broken : Excel don't know how to use CSV with Line feed .
Pull request still valid for LibreOO user :)



2022-02-21 12:46

developer   ~68339

Fix committed to 3.x-LTS branch:



2022-02-28 13:00

administrator   ~68434

Fixed in Release 3.28.1+220229



2022-03-08 08:57

viewer   ~68566

Fix committed to master branch:

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 3.x-LTS 3197b7eb

2022-02-21 13:46


Committer: GitHub

Details Diff
Fixed issue 17677: Valid TSV file can not be used in VV import (#2177)

* Fixed issue 17677: Valid TSV file can not be used in VV import
Dev: allow line feed, checked with latin1 file too.

* Dev: phpdoc typo
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/admin/import_helper.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 002ebc5c

2022-03-08 09:57


Committer: GitHub

Details Diff
Fixed issue 17677: Valid TSV file can not be used in VV import (#2273)

Dev: allow line feed, checked with latin1 file too.
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/DataEntry.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/admin/import_helper.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-10-25 12:31 DenisChenu New Issue
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu Note Added: 66924
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu File Added: vvexport_629533_headerLineFeed.csv
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu File Added: vvexport_629533_valueLineFeed.csv
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu File Added: PHP notice -Value.html
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu File Added: survey_archive_629533.lsa
2021-10-25 12:32 DenisChenu Bug heat 0 => 2
2021-10-25 12:42 DenisChenu Note Added: 66926
2021-10-25 12:42 DenisChenu File Added: Capture d’écran du 2021-10-25 12-42-08.png
2021-10-25 12:55 DenisChenu Relationship added parent of 17678
2021-10-26 17:02 DenisChenu Note Added: 66938
2021-10-26 17:55 c_schmitz Note Added: 66945
2021-10-26 17:55 c_schmitz Bug heat 2 => 4
2021-10-26 18:57 DenisChenu Note Added: 66948
2021-10-26 18:57 DenisChenu Assigned To => DenisChenu
2021-10-26 18:57 DenisChenu Status new => assigned
2021-11-02 09:58 galads Zoho Project Synchronization => |Yes|
2021-12-04 11:24 DenisChenu Note Added: 67676
2021-12-10 10:01 DenisChenu Project Feature requests => Bug reports
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Summary Allow line feed in VV import => Valid TSV file can not be used in VV import
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build) => 3.27.25
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Browser => not relevant
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Database type & version => not relevant
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Server OS (if known) => not relevant
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Webserver software & version (if known) => nginx
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu PHP Version => 7.4
2021-12-10 10:02 DenisChenu Zoho Project Synchronization Yes => |Yes|
2021-12-10 10:48 DenisChenu Note Added: 67756
2021-12-13 18:38 DenisChenu Assigned To DenisChenu => galads
2021-12-13 18:38 DenisChenu Status assigned => ready for testing
2022-01-12 15:00 DenisChenu Note Added: 67972
2022-02-21 12:46 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 3.x-LTS 3197b7eb
2022-02-21 12:46 DenisChenu Note Added: 68339
2022-02-21 12:46 DenisChenu Assigned To galads => DenisChenu
2022-02-21 12:46 DenisChenu Resolution open => fixed
2022-02-28 13:00 LimeBot Zoho Project Synchronization Yes => |Yes|
2022-02-28 13:00 LimeBot Note Added: 68434
2022-02-28 13:00 LimeBot Status ready for testing => closed
2022-02-28 13:00 LimeBot Bug heat 4 => 6
2022-03-08 08:57 user81814 Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 002ebc5c
2022-03-08 08:57 guest Note Added: 68566
2022-03-08 08:57 guest Bug heat 6 => 8