View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
16135Bug reportsOtherpublic2020-07-13 12:35
ReporterKhemrajC Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.22.9 
Summary16135: Map based question with Google Map - displaying as static in mobile browser

When Google Map is selected as the map service provider for a map based question, it works perfectly on a PC.

However, on a mobile device, it is displayed as a static map where all is frozen and the user cannot navigate nor move the marker.

I discussed it on the forum and Tony Partner recommended me to report it as a bug after he tested it.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Bug heat12
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)Version 3.22.9+200317
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Browsergoogle chrome, mozilla firefox
Database type & versionmysql
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version5.5

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2020-04-16 18:40

reporter   ~57193

Hello, can you please attach an .lss?



2020-04-16 19:09

reporter   ~57202

Last edited: 2020-04-17 19:51


As per your request, thanks for looking into it.

Best regards



2020-04-16 19:16

reporter   ~57204

Last edited: 2020-04-17 19:51


I also noticed that Map based question, the map is unable to load when a condition is attached from a precedent question of the same group.

However, there is no issue when the dependent questions are in separate group.

This was confirmed by Denis Chenu.

The first above issue was confirmed by Tony Partner.

Thanks for doing needful

Best regards



2020-04-17 19:54

reporter   ~57226

Last edited: 2020-04-17 19:54

Reported the second issue here: 16151.

Confirm both of them.

Thank you for reporting the above issues!



2020-07-08 19:13

manager   ~58809

Question help was getting over the map for small screens. That made the map look static.



2020-07-09 15:37


Tested the issue by pulling the PR. Please refer the attachment for more details

captured.gif (1,240,312 bytes)


2020-07-09 17:53

viewer   ~58881

Fix committed to 3.x-LTS branch:



2020-07-13 12:35

administrator   ~58916

Fixed in Release 3.22.26+200714

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 3.x-LTS 10412b2e

2020-07-09 19:53


Committer: GitHub

Details Diff
Fixed issue 16135 - Map based question with Google Map - displaying as static in mobile browser (LS3) (#1474)

Dev: Question help was getting over the map for small screens. That made the map look static.
Affected Issues
mod - application/views/survey/questions/answer/shortfreetext/location_mapservice/item.twig Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-14 00:07 KhemrajC New Issue
2020-04-16 18:40 cdorin Note Added: 57193
2020-04-16 19:09 KhemrajC File Added: limesurvey_survey_232691.lss
2020-04-16 19:09 KhemrajC Note Added: 57202
2020-04-16 19:16 KhemrajC File Added: limesurvey_survey_269417.lss
2020-04-16 19:16 KhemrajC Note Added: 57204
2020-04-16 20:41 cdorin Assigned To => cdorin
2020-04-16 20:41 cdorin Status new => assigned
2020-04-17 19:51 cdorin Priority none => high
2020-04-17 19:51 cdorin Status assigned => confirmed
2020-04-17 19:51 cdorin Zoho Sprints => |Yes|
2020-04-17 19:51 swendrich Zoho Sprints ID => 14469000000051013
2020-04-17 19:54 cdorin Assigned To cdorin =>
2020-04-17 19:54 cdorin Zoho Sprints Yes => |Yes|
2020-04-17 19:54 cdorin Note Added: 57226
2020-04-17 19:54 cdorin Note Edited: 57226
2020-07-08 19:13 gabrieljenik Note Added: 58809
2020-07-09 15:37 user225042 Note Added: 58860
2020-07-09 15:37 user225042 File Added: captured.gif
2020-07-09 17:53 gabrieljenik Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 3.x-LTS 10412b2e
2020-07-09 17:53 guest Note Added: 58881
2020-07-13 12:35 lime_release_bot Zoho Sprints Yes => |Yes|
2020-07-13 12:35 lime_release_bot Note Added: 58916
2020-07-13 12:35 lime_release_bot Status confirmed => closed
2020-07-13 12:35 lime_release_bot Resolution open => fixed