LimeSurvey: 3.x-LTS 952f8943

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
gabrieljenik GitHub 3.x-LTS 2020-11-10 11:46 3.x-LTS eef20220
Affected Issues  15615: Mandatory multiple choice questions are not assigned a red background if not being answered

Fixed issue 15615: Mandatory multiple choice questions are not assigned a red background if not being answered (#1577)

  • Fixed issue 15615: Mandatory multiple choice questions are not assigned a red background if not being answered

Added new event handler for question-container, to evaluat status of its tips and then add/remove the error class

  • Fixed issue 15615: Mandatory multiple choice questions are not assigned a red background if not being answered

Code review

mod - assets/packages/template-core/template-core.js Diff File