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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
07997Feature requestsComfortUpdatepublic2014-07-25 16:35
Reporterohvelma Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary07997: Edit Token and Response to enable Edits to a Saved Response

USE CASE: Sometimes a respondent submits a survey, then contacts you to say they want to revise it.

ISSUE: In version 2.0 if you revise a response and associated token so that a user can have access again, the data are gone and a new response is generated rather than editing for the old response being enabled.

FEATURE: The feature request is that admins are given the ability to position responders on a particular page, only really useful when respondents are editing a previously entered questionnaire

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In either case below, it would be nice to position the respondent on a particular page.

Alternatively there could be URL parameter that would tell the survey where to start.

In version 1.92 if you reset a respondents token and response to enable re-access, when they do so previously entered information is retained (good). However, upon returning to the survey respondents are positioned on the last survey page (sometimes bad). An issue arises when the last page is only shown for certain skip pattern conditions. In that case on reload the last page can't be shown due to skip patterns, so instead they are presented with the "Your survey is complete" page, which does NOT have a previous button.

The easiest solution for version 1.92 would be to give admins access to the lastpage variable for the response (added to the attached screen shot). That way if they want to change where surveys restart, they have access to that information. The only way I found around the issue was to export/modify/import the response information to set the lastpage variable.

Currently my work around for this issue is to add a final page with a text display letting that is not ever hidden because of skip patterns. Probably a good design principal anyway.

In version 2.0, if you reset respondents token and response so that they can re-access, when they do so a new response is generated, and the previously entered information is gone.

Haven't come up for any interim solutions for the issue of data being gone in version 2.0.

This is my first time reporting anything ... let me know if this is the kind of thing you want to see ... or not.

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Bug heat4
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2014-07-25 16:35

reporter   ~30358


To re-open a submitted response, the following is needed if you don't want the responder to start all over again:
1) Token: "Completed?" => 'N'
2) Token: "Uses left" => assure it is > 0
3) Token: "Invitation Sent" => No change needed. You can use 'Reminder'.
4) Answer: "Completed" => 'N'
5) Optionally Answer: "Lastpage" => '0'

If you forget (4), a complete new answer record will be created and presented.

BTW: As an alternative to the 'lastpage' issue mentioned, I use phpmyadmin or mysql from the command line to change the 'lastpage'.

1) How large is the chance that if I create the 're-open' functionality, that it would be accepted in a new release?
2) If it is probable, then what suggestions do you have/prefer?

  • Add another icon to the already long list of actions at the beginning of the token row?
  • Suggestion for an icon reopen.png?
  • What to do with 'Uses left'? I suggest: If UsesLeft < 1 then UsesLeft = 1.
  • Fire a mail to the user with 'your response is reopened'?
  • New / separate email 'reopen' template, similar to the 'Invitation' and 'Reminder'?
  • How to act if multiple 'Complete' answers exist? Which one to reopen?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-11 19:42 ohvelma New Issue
2013-07-11 19:42 ohvelma Status new => assigned
2013-07-11 19:42 ohvelma Assigned To => c_schmitz
2013-07-11 19:42 ohvelma File Added: limesurvey_survey_452963.lss
2014-07-25 16:09 ronvdburg Issue Monitored: ronvdburg
2014-07-25 16:35 ronvdburg Note Added: 30358