LimeSurvey: Yii ac463fad

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jcleeland jcleeland Yii 2012-08-06 21:22:53 Yii c5097eaf
Affected Issues  06429: Central Participant Database: admin language should not determine the list of available attributes

Fixed issue 06429 admin language should not determine the list of available attributes. Attributes now displayed in admin language first, then in the first found language if there is no admin language translation available

mod - application/controllers/admin/participantsaction.php Diff File
mod - application/models/ParticipantAttributeNames.php Diff File
add - application/models/ParticipantAttributeNamesLang.php Diff File
mod - application/models/Participant_attribute.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/participants/attributeControl_view.php Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/attributeControl.js Diff File