LimeSurvey: master f4399544

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
gabrieljenik user234287 master 2020-10-01 16:36 master 3f9b19fa
Affected Issues  16644: Audit log not save all actions

Fixed issue 16644: Audit log not save all actions

There was a mismatch between the default values for "Audit log for this survey" setting. The default value shown on screen was Yes (true), and for most events it was indeed treated as 'true' by default when logging actions. But for tokens and survey settings, it defaulted to 'false' when logging actions.

It was fixed by defaulting to 'true' in all cases, as shown in the screen but expected by the user.

mod - application/core/plugins/AuditLog/AuditLog.php Diff File