LimeSurvey: 2.05 cd16db1d

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
DenisChenu DenisChenu 2.05 2013-07-12 19:52 2.05 4c0d04af
Affected Issues  07967: Without javascript there are still present button that don't work in the survey : back, clear the survey, send it incomplete.

Fixed issue 07967: Accessibility of button without javascript : previous and clear
Dev: todo : save / load
Dev: Fixed issue : double inclusion of js and css
Dev: Fixed a lot of js in qanda after 4a2d74dd2efc0f0af63e01bc59d5706ee465d6c4

mod - application/controllers/survey/index.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File
add - scripts/array-totalsum.js Diff File
add - scripts/navigator-countdown.js Diff File
mod - scripts/survey_runtime.js Diff File