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View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
07852Bug reportsSurvey editingpublic2013-07-22 14:48
Reporterxamarshahx Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.00+ 
Fixed in Version2.00+ 
Summary07852: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found

I get this error when deactivating a survey.

Internal Server Error

CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db469338625.surv_survey_535478' doesn't exist

An internal error occurred while the Web server was processing your request. Please contact the webmaster to report this problem.

Thank you.

2013-05-20 09:46:25

I am using 1and1 hosting. I had to make this change to make it work on 1and1.
It is the most updated version of Lime as of today.

I was having the same issue and after an hour of hacking around in the code I have found what you need to do.

Open application/controllers/InstallerController.php and around line 1108 in the _getDsn function you will find this:

$dsn = "mysql:host={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};dbname={$sDatabaseName};"

Change to this:
$dsn = "mysql:unix_socket={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};dbname={$sDatabaseName};";
And the install will run as normal but in the host box instead of localhost put /tmp/mysql5.sock

I tried uploading the surveyadmin file:

It did not help and I have two versions of LimeSurvey on the server, both do this.

Steps To Reproduce

Activate > Deactivate.
If I hit enter in the browser again, it puts me back on the screen to deactivate the survey, but the survey shows it has been deactivated.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
debug.html (5,824 bytes)   

 CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db469338625.surv_survey_535478' doesn't exist. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT id FROM `surv_survey_535478` ORDER BY id desc 


516             return $result;
517         }
518         catch(Exception $e)
519         {
520             if($this->_connection->enableProfiling)
521                 Yii::endProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query('.$this->getText().$par.')','system.db.CDbCommand.query');
522             $errorInfo = $e instanceof PDOException ? $e->errorInfo : null;
523             $message = $e->getMessage();
524             Yii::log(Yii::t('yii','CDbCommand::{method}() failed: {error}. The SQL statement executed was: {sql}.',
525                 array('{method}'=>$method, '{error}'=>$message, '{sql}'=>$this->getText().$par)),CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR,'system.db.CDbCommand');
526             if(YII_DEBUG)
527                 $message .= '. The SQL statement executed was: '.$this->getText().$par;
528             throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: {error}',
529                 array('{error}'=>$message)),(int)$e->getCode(),$errorInfo);
530         }
531     }
533     /**
534      * Builds a SQL SELECT statement from the given query specification.
535      * @param array $query the query specification in name-value pairs. The following
536      * query options are supported: {@link select}, {@link distinct}, {@link from},
537      * {@link where}, {@link join}, {@link group}, {@link having}, {@link order},
538      * {@link limit}, {@link offset} and {@link union}.
539      * @return string the SQL statement
540      * @since 1.1.6

Stack Trace



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/db/CDbCommand.php(425): CDbCommand->queryInternal("fetchColumn", 0, array()) 


 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/application/controllers/admin/surveyadmin.php(361): CDbCommand->queryScalar() 
356             $sNewSurveyTableName = Yii::app()->db->tablePrefix."old_survey_{$iSurveyID}_{$date}";
357             $aData['sNewSurveyTableName']=$sNewSurveyTableName;
358             //Update the autonumber_start in the survey properties
359             $new_autonumber_start = 0;
360             $query = "SELECT id FROM ".Yii::app()->db->quoteTableName($sOldSurveyTableName)." ORDER BY id desc";
361             $sLastID = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->limit(1)->queryScalar();
362             $new_autonumber_start = $sLastID + 1;
363             $insertdata = array('autonumber_start' => $new_autonumber_start);
364             $survey = Survey::model()->findByAttributes(array('sid' => $iSurveyID));
365             $survey->autonumber_start = $new_autonumber_start;
366             $survey->save();


 unknown(0): SurveyAdmin->deactivate("535478") 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(107): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(SurveyAdmin, array("535478")) 


 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/application/core/Survey_Common_Action.php(100): CAction->runWithParamsInternal(SurveyAdmin, ReflectionMethod, array("surveyid" => "535478", "sa" => "deactivate", "iSurveyId" => "535478", "iSurveyID" => "535478")) 
095             $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault);
096         }
098         // We're all good to go, let's execute it
099         // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params
100         return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params);
101     }
103     /**
104     * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the
105     * usual parameters we're getting in the url. This function just populates



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/CController.php(309): Survey_Common_Action->runWithParams(array("surveyid" => "535478", "sa" => "deactivate")) 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/CController.php(287): CController->runAction(SurveyAdmin) 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/CController.php(266): CController->runActionWithFilters(SurveyAdmin, array()) 


 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/application/controllers/AdminController.php(170): CController->run("survey") 
165                     $this->redirect($this->createUrl('/admin/authentication/sa/login'));
166                 }
168             }
170             return parent::run($action);
171     }
173     /**
174     * Routes all the actions to their respective places
175     *



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(276): AdminController->run("survey") 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(135): CWebApplication->runController("admin/survey/sa/deactivate") 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/framework/base/CApplication.php(162): CWebApplication->processRequest() 



 /homepages/0/d139913501/htdocs/acarev3/jupgrade/survey2/index.php(178): CApplication->run() 

2013-06-05 14:05:20 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.10 
debug.html (5,824 bytes)   
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)130514
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
BrowserBoth, IE and Firefox
Database type & version5.2
Server OS (if known)Linux
Webserver software & version (if known)N/A
PHP Version5.4.15


related to 07807 closedc_schmitz CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02] always appears when deactivating 




2013-05-20 16:10

reporter   ~25310

So it seems it started working in Firefox, but in IE I still get the same error even after clearing out my cache. I am going to try from another Pc and then report my results.



2013-05-27 02:18

administrator   ~25392

Please update to the latest build, activate debug mode in /application/config/config.php and attach the resulting detailed error dump as HTML file to this issue. Thanky you.



2013-05-31 17:25

reporter   ~25439

I also got this error. It happens when you're in the admin mode for a particular survey and deactivate from there. It seems that the application is trying to access the database table that is renamed to become "old". However, deactivating works in the overall view when you are not actively administrating the survey. It seems that even with the error, the survey is actually disabled. You just need to go back to the admin home page. Hope this helps narrow down the issue a bit.



2013-06-14 15:15

administrator   ~25533

Fix committed to master branch:



2013-07-08 13:50

administrator   ~25732

2.00+ Build 130708 released.



2013-07-22 14:48

administrator   ~25837

Fix committed to 2.05 branch:

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master a3d2eb93

2013-06-14 13:16:13


Details Diff
Fixed issue 07852: Cryptic error when survey is deactivated twice Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/surveyadmin.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: 2.05 d75291aa

2013-06-14 13:16:13


Details Diff
Fixed issue 07852: Cryptic error when survey is deactivated twice Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/surveyadmin.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-05-20 15:54 xamarshahx New Issue
2013-05-20 16:10 xamarshahx Note Added: 25310
2013-05-27 02:18 c_schmitz Note Added: 25392
2013-05-27 02:18 c_schmitz Assigned To => c_schmitz
2013-05-27 02:18 c_schmitz Status new => feedback
2013-05-29 15:21 DenisChenu Relationship added related to 07807
2013-05-31 17:25 crazydw99 Note Added: 25439
2013-06-05 20:06 xamarshahx File Added: debug.html
2013-06-14 15:15 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master a3d2eb93
2013-06-14 15:15 c_schmitz Note Added: 25533
2013-06-14 15:15 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2013-06-14 15:16 c_schmitz Status feedback => resolved
2013-06-14 15:16 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.00+
2013-07-08 13:50 c_schmitz Note Added: 25732
2013-07-08 13:50 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2013-07-22 14:48 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 2.05 d75291aa
2013-07-22 14:48 c_schmitz Note Added: 25837
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing