PHP notice

Trying to get property of non-object


60         // If it's called from template editor, a template name will be provided.
61         // If it's called for survey taking, a survey id will be provided
62         if ($sTemplateName == '' && $iSurveyId == '')
63         {
64             throw new TemplateException("Template needs either template name or survey id");
65         }
67         $this->sTemplateName = $sTemplateName;
68         $this->iSurveyId     = (int) $iSurveyId;
70         if ($sTemplateName==''){
71             $this->oSurvey       = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyId);
72             $this->sTemplateName = $this->oSurvey->template;
73         }
75         // We check if  it's a CORE template
76         $this->isStandard = $this->setIsStandard();
78         // If the template is standard, its root is based on standardtemplaterootdir, else, it's a user template, its root is based on usertemplaterootdir
79         $this->path = ($this->isStandard)?Yii::app()->getConfig("standardtemplaterootdir").DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->sTemplateName:Yii::app()->getConfig("usertemplaterootdir").DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->sTemplateName;
81         // If the template directory doesn't exist, it can be that:
82         // - user deleted a custom theme
83         // In any case, we just set Default as the template to use
84         if (!is_dir($this->path))

Stack Trace

 /home/ TemplateConfiguration->setTemplateConfiguration("", "415553")
138      * @return StdClass
139      */
140     public static function getTemplateConfiguration($sTemplateName='', $iSurveyId='')
141     {
142         $oTemplate = new TemplateConfiguration;
143         $oTemplate->setTemplateConfiguration($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId);
144         return $oTemplate;
145     }
147     /**
148      * Return the list of ALL files present in the file directory
 /home/ Template::getTemplateConfiguration("", "415553")
299      */
300     public static function getInstance($sTemplateName='', $iSurveyId='')
301     {
302         if (empty(self::$instance))
303         {
304             self::$instance = self::getTemplateConfiguration($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId);
305         }
306         return self::$instance;
307     }
309     /**
 /home/ Template::getInstance("", "415553")
35         // Template configuration
36         $param = $this->_getParameters(func_get_args(), $_POST);
37         $surveyid = $param['sid'];
39         $oTemplate = Template::model()->getInstance('', $surveyid);
40         $this->oTemplate = $oTemplate;
41         App()->clientScript->registerScript('sLSJavascriptVar',$sLSJavascriptVar,CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
42         App()->clientScript->registerScript('setJsVar',"setJsVar();",CClientScript::POS_BEGIN);// Ensure all js var is set before rendering the page (User can click before $.ready)
44         foreach($oTemplate->packages as $package)
2017-10-19 08:17:54 Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Yii Framework/1.1.18