PHP notice

Trying to get property of non-object

/home/ : eval()'d code(1)

Stack Trace

 /home/ CComponent->evaluateExpression("CHtml::link(flattenText($data->defaultlanguage->surveyls_title),...", array("data" => Survey, "row" => 2))
137      */
138     public function getDataCellContent($row)
139     {
140         $data=$this->grid->dataProvider->data[$row];
141         if($this->value!==null)
142             $value=$this->evaluateExpression($this->value,array('data'=>$data,'row'=>$row));
143         elseif($this->name!==null)
144             $value=CHtml::value($data,$this->name);
145         return $value===null ? $this->grid->nullDisplay : $this->grid->getFormatter()->format($value,$this->type);
146     }
147 }
 /home/ CDataColumn->getDataCellContent(2)
226      * @param mixed $data the data associated with the row
227      * @deprecated since 1.1.16. Use {@link getDataCellContent()} instead.
228      */
229     protected function renderDataCellContent($row,$data)
230     {
231         echo $this->getDataCellContent($row);
232     }
234     /**
235      * Returns the filter cell content.
236      * The default implementation simply returns an empty column.
 /home/ CGridColumn->renderDataCellContent(2, Survey)
149                 else
150                     $options['class']=$class;
151             }
152         }
153         echo CHtml::openTag('td',$options);
154         $this->renderDataCellContent($row,$data);
155         echo '</td>';
156     }
158     /**
159      * Renders the footer cell.
 /home/ CGridColumn->renderDataCell(2)
634      * @param integer $row
635      * @since 1.1.16
636      */
637     protected function renderDataCell($column, $row)
638     {
639         $column->renderDataCell($row);
640     }
642     /**
643      * @return boolean whether the table should render a footer.
644      * This is true if any of the {@link columns} has a true {@link CGridColumn::hasFooter} value.
 /home/ CGridView->renderDataCell(TbDataColumn, 2)
618                 $htmlOptions['class']=$class;
619         }
621         echo CHtml::openTag('tr', $htmlOptions)."\n";
622         foreach($this->columns as $column)
623             $this->renderDataCell($column, $row);
624         echo "</tr>\n";
625     }
627     /**
628      * A seam for people extending CGridView to be able to hook onto the data cell rendering process.
 /home/ CGridView->renderTableRow(2)
574         echo "<tbody>\n";
576         if($n>0)
577         {
578             for($row=0;$row<$n;++$row)
579                 $this->renderTableRow($row);
580         }
581         else
582         {
583             echo '<tr><td colspan="'.count($this->columns).'" class="empty">';
584             $this->renderEmptyText();
 /home/ CGridView->renderTableBody()
484         if($this->dataProvider->getItemCount()>0 || $this->showTableOnEmpty)
485         {
486             echo "<table class=\"{$this->itemsCssClass}\">\n";
487             $this->renderTableHeader();
488             ob_start();
489             $this->renderTableBody();
490             $body=ob_get_clean();
491             $this->renderTableFooter();
492             echo $body; // TFOOT must appear before TBODY according to the standard.
493             echo "</table>";
494         }
 /home/ CGridView->renderItems()
176     protected function renderSection($matches)
177     {
178         $method='render'.$matches[1];
179         if(method_exists($this,$method))
180         {
181             $this->$method();
182             $html=ob_get_contents();
183             ob_clean();
184             return $html;
185         }
186         else
 unknown(0): CBaseListView->renderSection(array("{items}", "items"))
 /home/ CBaseController->widget("bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView", array("dataProvider" => CActiveDataProvider, "id" => "survey-grid", "emptyText" => "Aucun questionnaire trouvé.", "summaryText" => "Afficher {start}-{end} du {count} de résultat(s). <select class...", ...))
147                 'htmlOptions'=>array('style'=>'cursor: pointer;', 'class'=>'hoverAction grid-view'),
148                 //'selectionChanged'=>"function(id){window.location='" . Yii::app()->urlManager->createUrl('admin/survey/sa/view/surveyid' ) . '/' . "' + $.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection(id.split(',', 1));}",
149                 'ajaxUpdate' => true,
150                 'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'doToolTip',
151                 'template'  => $this->template,
152             ));
153         ?>
154     </div>
155 </div>
 /home/ CWidget->render("listSurveys")
69         if ($this->bRenderSearchBox)
70         {
71             $this->render('searchBox');
72         }
74         $this->render('listSurveys');
76     }
77 }
 /home/ CBaseController->widget("ext.admin.survey.ListSurveysWidget.ListSurveysWidget", array("pageSize" => 10, "model" => Survey))
25             <div class="pagetitle h3 ls-space margin top-25"><?php eT('Survey list'); ?></div>
26             <!-- Survey List widget -->
27             <?php $this->widget('ext.admin.survey.ListSurveysWidget.ListSurveysWidget', array(
28                         'pageSize' => Yii::app()->user->getState('pageSize', Yii::app()->params['defaultPageSize']),
29                         'model' => $model
30                 ));
31             ?>
32         </div>
34         <div id="surveygroups" class="tab-pane">
35             <?php if(Permission::model()->hasGlobalPermission('surveys','create')):?>
2017-09-28 08:44:32 Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Yii Framework/1.1.18