
La valeur de la colonne « surveyls_language » n'est pas fournie lors de la requête de la table « lime_surveys_languagesettings ».


802                 for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i)
803                 {
804                     if(isset($values[$i][$name]))
805                     {
806                         $value=$table->columns[$name]->typecast($values[$i][$name]);
807                         if(is_string($value))
808                             $values[$i][$name]=$db->quoteValue($value);
809                         else
810                             $values[$i][$name]=$value;
811                     }
812                     else
813                         throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','The value for the column "{column}" is not supplied when querying the table "{table}".',
814                             array('{table}'=>$table->name,'{column}'=>$name)));
815                 }
816             }
817             if(count($values)===1)
818             {
819                 $entries=array();
820                 foreach($values[0] as $name=>$value)
821                     $entries[]=$prefix.$table->columns[$name]->rawName.($value===null?' IS NULL':'='.$value);
822                 return implode(' AND ',$entries);
823             }
825             return $this->createCompositeInCondition($table,$values,$prefix);

Stack Trace

 /home/ CActiveRecord->findByPk(array("surveyls_survey_id" => "146955", "surveyls_language" => null))
1125     {
1126         $thissurvey=$staticSurveyInfo[$surveyid][$languagecode];
1127     }
1128     else
1129     {
1130         $result = SurveyLanguageSetting::model()->with('survey')->findByPk(array('surveyls_survey_id' => $surveyid, 'surveyls_language' => $languagecode));
1131         if (is_null($result)) {
1132             // When additional language was added, but not saved it does not exists
1133             // We should revert to the base language then
1134             $languagecode=Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->language;
1135             $result = SurveyLanguageSetting::model()->with('survey')->findByPk(array('surveyls_survey_id' => $surveyid, 'surveyls_language' => $languagecode));
 /home/ getSurveyInfo("146955")
4726             $LEM->allOnOnePage=$allOnOnePage;
4727             $LEM->processedRelevance=false;
4728             $LEM->surveyOptions['hyperlinkSyntaxHighlighting']=true;    // this will be temporary - should be reset in running survey
4729             $LEM->qid2exclusiveAuto=array();
4731             $surveyinfo = (isset($LEM->sid) ? getSurveyInfo($LEM->sid) : null);
4732             if (isset($surveyinfo['assessments']) && $surveyinfo['assessments']=='Y')
4733             {
4734                 $LEM->surveyOptions['assessments']=true;
4735             }
4736             //        $LEM->runtimeTimings[] = array(__METHOD__,(microtime(true) - $now));
 /home/ LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingPage(false, "", true)
253             }
255             if (!empty($aData['surveyid']))
256             {
258                 LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingPage(false, Yii::app()->baseUrl,true);  // so can click on syntax highlighting to edit questions
260                 $this->_surveybar($aData['surveyid'], !empty($aData['gid']) ? $aData['gid'] : null);
262                 if (isset($aData['display']['menu_bars']['surveysummary']))
263                 {
2015-09-16 15:14:38 Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Yii Framework/1.1.15
Journal d'application
Heure Niveau Categorie Message
15:14:38.877625 trace vardump
    [*:findByPkCache] => array()
    [format] => null
    [CActiveRecord:_new] => false
    [CActiveRecord:_attributes] => array
        'template' => 'default'
        'language' => null
        'sid' => '146955'
        'owner_id' => '0'
        'admin' => null
        'active' => 'N'
        'expires' => null
        'startdate' => null
        'adminemail' => null
        'anonymized' => 'N'
        'faxto' => null
        'savetimings' => 'N'
        'additional_languages' => null
        'datestamp' => 'N'
        'usecookie' => 'N'
        'allowregister' => 'N'
        'allowsave' => 'Y'
        'autonumber_start' => '0'
        'autoredirect' => 'N'
        'allowprev' => 'N'
        'printanswers' => 'N'
        'ipaddr' => 'N'
        'refurl' => 'N'
        'datecreated' => '2015-06-19'
        'publicstatistics' => 'N'
        'publicgraphs' => 'N'
        'listpublic' => 'N'
        'htmlemail' => 'N'
        'tokenanswerspersistence' => 'N'
        'assessments' => 'N'
        'usecaptcha' => 'N'
        'usetokens' => 'N'
        'bounce_email' => null
        'attributedescriptions' => '[]'
        'emailresponseto' => null
        'emailnotificationto' => null
        'tokenlength' => '15'
        'showxquestions' => 'Y'
        'showgroupinfo' => 'B'
        'shownoanswer' => 'Y'
        'showqnumcode' => 'X'
        'bouncetime' => null
        'bounceprocessing' => 'N'
        'bounceaccounttype' => null
        'bounceaccounthost' => null
        'bounceaccountpass' => null
        'bounceaccountencryption' => null
        'bounceaccountuser' => null
        'showwelcome' => 'Y'
        'showprogress' => 'Y'
        'navigationdelay' => '0'
        'nokeyboard' => 'N'
        'alloweditaftercompletion' => 'N'
        'googleanalyticsstyle' => null
        'googleanalyticsapikey' => null
        'sendconfirmation' => 'Y'
        'questionindex' => '0'
    [CActiveRecord:_related] => array
        'defaultlanguage' => null
    [CActiveRecord:_c] => null
    [CActiveRecord:_pk] => '146955'
    [CActiveRecord:_alias] => 't'
    [CModel:_errors] => array()
    [CModel:_validators] => null
    [CModel:_scenario] => 'update'
    [CComponent:_e] => array
        'onafterfind' => CList#2
            [CList:_d] => array
                0 => array
                    0 => Survey#1(...)
                    1 => 'fixSurveyAttribute'
            [CList:_c] => 1
            [CList:_r] => false
            [CComponent:_e] => null
            [CComponent:_m] => null
        'onbeforesave' => CList#3
            [CList:_d] => array
                0 => array
                    0 => CTimestampBehavior#4
                        [createAttribute] => null
                        [updateAttribute] => null
                        [setUpdateOnCreate] => false
                        [timestampExpression] => CDbExpression#5
                            [expression] => 'NOW()'
                            [params] => array()
                            [CComponent:_e] => null
                            [CComponent:_m] => null
                        [CBehavior:_enabled] => true
                        [CBehavior:_owner] => Survey#1(...)
                        [CComponent:_e] => null
                        [CComponent:_m] => null
                    1 => 'beforeSave'
                1 => array
                    0 => PluginEventBehavior#6
                        [CBehavior:_enabled] => true
                        [CBehavior:_owner] => Survey#1(...)
                        [CComponent:_e] => null
                        [CComponent:_m] => null
                    1 => 'beforeSave'
            [CList:_c] => 2
            [CList:_r] => false
            [CComponent:_e] => null
            [CComponent:_m] => null
        'onafterdelete' => CList#7
            [CList:_d] => array
                0 => array
                    0 => PluginEventBehavior#6(...)
                    1 => 'afterDelete'
            [CList:_c] => 1
            [CList:_r] => false
            [CComponent:_e] => null
            [CComponent:_m] => null
        'onaftersave' => CList#8
            [CList:_d] => array
                0 => array
                    0 => PluginEventBehavior#6(...)
                    1 => 'afterSave'
            [CList:_c] => 1
            [CList:_r] => false
            [CComponent:_e] => null
            [CComponent:_m] => null
        'onbeforedelete' => CList#9
            [CList:_d] => array
                0 => array
                    0 => PluginEventBehavior#6(...)
                    1 => 'beforeDelete'
            [CList:_c] => 1
            [CList:_r] => false
            [CComponent:_e] => null
            [CComponent:_m] => null
    [CComponent:_m] => array
        'CTimestampBehavior' => CTimestampBehavior#4(...)
        'PluginEventBehavior' => PluginEventBehavior#6(...)