Erreur interne du serveur

Undefined index: surveyls_endtext

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2015-07-30 11:42:21
Journal d'application
Heure Niveau Categorie Message
11:42:21.542881 error system.db.CDbCommand
CDbCommand::fetchAll() failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not
found: 1146 Table 'lsdev.lime_token_797631' doesn't exist. The SQL
statement executed was: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `lime_token_797631`.
11:42:21.624345 info application
11:42:21.768057 error exception.ErrorException
exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Undefined index: surveyls_endtext'
in /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php:562
Stack trace:
SurveyRuntimeHelper->{closure}(8, 'Undefined index...',
'/var/www/my_web...', 562, Array)
#1 /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/application/controllers/survey/index.php(484):
SurveyRuntimeHelper->run('797631', Array)
#2 /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/application/controllers/survey/index.php(45):
CController->runActionWithFilters(Object(index), Array)
#14 /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/application/core/WebApplication.php(77):
#16 /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/application/entry.php(41): CApplication->run()
#17 /var/www/my_webapp/lsdev/index.php(2): include('/var/www/my_web...')
#18 {main}
Sommaire du rapport de profilage (Durée: 0.43984s, Memoire: 8,857KB)
Fonction Nb Total (s) Moy. (s) Min. (s) Max. (s)
system.db.CDbCommand.query(UPDATE lime_survey_797631 SET `submitdate`='1980-01-01 00:00:00' WHERE `id` = '431bdbe9-c5dd-415c-9b91-043b3773c2a0') 1 0.04335 0.04335 0.04335 0.04335
system.db.CDbCommand.query(UPDATE lime_survey_797631 SET `lastpage`=1, `797631X2X2`='tiy\r\nqdsqsds' WHERE `id` = '431bdbe9-c5dd-415c-9b91-043b3773c2a0') 1 0.03871 0.03871 0.03871 0.03871
fieldmapf81ab56b0a57cb8b7e8c515c342977e5 1 0.02517 0.02517 0.02517 0.02517
fieldmap148dc671105ec5409fd8d87dc72894c3 1 0.02356 0.02356 0.02356 0.02356
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_surveys` `t` WHERE `t`.`sid`=797631 LIMIT 1) 10 0.00490 0.00049 0.00046 0.00053
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_surveys_languagesettings` `t` WHERE `t`.`surveyls_survey_id`=797631 AND `t`.`surveyls_language`='fr' LIMIT 1) 9 0.00352 0.00039 0.00036 0.00043
construct lem 1 0.00259 0.00259 0.00259 0.00259
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `lime_token_797631`) 1 0.00190 0.00190 0.00190 0.00190
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SHOW TABLES) 1 0.00132 0.00132 0.00132 0.00132
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `t`.`id` AS `t0_c0`, `t`.`sid` AS `t0_c1`, `t`.`group_name` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`group_order` AS `t0_c3`, `t`.`description` AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`randomization_group` AS `t0_c5`, `t`.`grelevance` AS `t0_c6`, `questions`.`qid` AS `t1_c0`, `questions`.`parent_qid` AS `t1_c1`, `questions`.`sid` AS `t1_c2`, `questions`.`gid` AS `t1_c3`, `questions`.`type` AS `t1_c4`, `questions`.`title` AS `t1_c5`, `questions`.`question` AS `t1_c6`, `questions`.`preg` AS `t1_c7`, `questions`.`help` AS `t1_c8`, `questions`.`other` AS `t1_c9`, `questions`.`mandatory` AS `t1_c10`, `questions`.`question_order` AS `t1_c11`, `questions`.`scale_id` AS `t1_c12`, `questions`.`same_default` AS `t1_c13`, `questions`.`relevance` AS `t1_c14` FROM `lime_groups` `t` LEFT OUTER JOIN `lime_questions` `questions` ON (`questions`.`gid`=`t`.`id`) AND (parent_qid = 0) WHERE (`t`.`sid`=:yp0) ORDER BY group_order, question_order. Bound with :yp0='797631') 2 0.00085 0.00043 0.00042 0.00043
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT a.qid, a.sqid, a.scale_id, a.specialtype, a.defaultvalue FROM lime_defaultvalues as a, lime_questions as b WHERE a.qid = b.qid AND a.language = 'fr' AND b.same_default=1 AND b.sid = 797631) 2 0.00068 0.00034 0.00033 0.00035
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `t`.`sid` AS `t0_c0`, `t`.`owner_id` AS `t0_c1`, `t`.`admin` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`active` AS `t0_c3`, `t`.`expires` AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`startdate` AS `t0_c5`, `t`.`adminemail` AS `t0_c6`, `t`.`anonymized` AS `t0_c7`, `t`.`faxto` AS `t0_c8`, `t`.`format` AS `t0_c9`, `t`.`savetimings` AS `t0_c10`, `t`.`template` AS `t0_c11`, `t`.`language` AS `t0_c12`, `t`.`additional_languages` AS `t0_c13`, `t`.`datestamp` AS `t0_c14`, `t`.`usecookie` AS `t0_c15`, `t`.`allowregister` AS `t0_c16`, `t`.`allowsave` AS `t0_c17`, `t`.`autonumber_start` AS `t0_c18`, `t`.`autoredirect` AS `t0_c19`, `t`.`allowprev` AS `t0_c20`, `t`.`printanswers` AS `t0_c21`, `t`.`ipaddr` AS `t0_c22`, `t`.`refurl` AS `t0_c23`, `t`.`datecreated` AS `t0_c24`, `t`.`publicstatistics` AS `t0_c25`, `t`.`publicgraphs` AS `t0_c26`, `t`.`listpublic` AS `t0_c27`, `t`.`htmlemail` AS `t0_c28`, `t`.`sendconfirmation` AS `t0_c29`, `t`.`tokenanswerspersistence` AS `t0_c30`, `t`.`assessments` AS `t0_c31`, `t`.`usecaptcha` AS `t0_c32`, `t`.`usetokens` AS `t0_c33`, `t`.`bounce_email` AS `t0_c34`, `t`.`attributedescriptions` AS `t0_c35`, `t`.`emailresponseto` AS `t0_c36`, `t`.`emailnotificationto` AS `t0_c37`, `t`.`tokenlength` AS `t0_c38`, `t`.`showxquestions` AS `t0_c39`, `t`.`showgroupinfo` AS `t0_c40`, `t`.`shownoanswer` AS `t0_c41`, `t`.`showqnumcode` AS `t0_c42`, `t`.`bouncetime` AS `t0_c43`, `t`.`bounceprocessing` AS `t0_c44`, `t`.`bounceaccounttype` AS `t0_c45`, `t`.`bounceaccounthost` AS `t0_c46`, `t`.`bounceaccountpass` AS `t0_c47`, `t`.`bounceaccountencryption` AS `t0_c48`, `t`.`bounceaccountuser` AS `t0_c49`, `t`.`showwelcome` AS `t0_c50`, `t`.`showprogress` AS `t0_c51`, `t`.`questionindex` AS `t0_c52`, `t`.`navigationdelay` AS `t0_c53`, `t`.`nokeyboard` AS `t0_c54`, `t`.`alloweditaftercompletion` AS `t0_c55`, `t`.`googleanalyticsstyle` AS `t0_c56`, `t`.`googleanalyticsapikey` AS `t0_c57`, `t`.`use_series` AS `t0_c58`, `groups`.`id` AS `t1_c0`, `groups`.`sid` AS `t1_c1`, `groups`.`group_name` AS `t1_c2`, `groups`.`group_order` AS `t1_c3`, `groups`.`description` AS `t1_c4`, `groups`.`randomization_group` AS `t1_c5`, `groups`.`grelevance` AS `t1_c6`, `questions`.`qid` AS `t2_c0`, `questions`.`parent_qid` AS `t2_c1`, `questions`.`sid` AS `t2_c2`, `questions`.`gid` AS `t2_c3`, `questions`.`type` AS `t2_c4`, `questions`.`title` AS `t2_c5`, `questions`.`question` AS `t2_c6`, `questions`.`preg` AS `t2_c7`, `questions`.`help` AS `t2_c8`, `questions`.`other` AS `t2_c9`, `questions`.`mandatory` AS `t2_c10`, `questions`.`question_order` AS `t2_c11`, `questions`.`scale_id` AS `t2_c12`, `questions`.`same_default` AS `t2_c13`, `questions`.`relevance` AS `t2_c14` FROM `lime_surveys` `t` LEFT OUTER JOIN `lime_groups` `groups` ON (`groups`.`sid`=`t`.`sid`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `lime_questions` `questions` ON (`questions`.`gid`=`groups`.`id`) AND (parent_qid = 0) WHERE (`t`.`sid`=797631) ORDER BY group_order ASC, question_order) 1 0.00063 0.00063 0.00063 0.00063
system.db.CDbCommand.execute(DELETE FROM lime_saved_control where `srid` = '431bdbe9-c5dd-415c-9b91-043b3773c2a0' and `sid` = '797631') 1 0.00055 0.00055 0.00055 0.00055
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_surveys_languagesettings` `t` WHERE `t`.`surveyls_survey_id`=797631 AND `t`.`surveyls_language`='en' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00044 0.00044 0.00044 0.00044
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='sitename' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00041 0.00041 0.00041 0.00041
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_survey_797631` `t` WHERE `t`.`id`='f45c9ed5-0c0d-4f3b-95b9-30020ac89057' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00038 0.00038 0.00038 0.00038
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `t`.`id` AS `t0_c0`, `t`.`sid` AS `t0_c1`, `t`.`name` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`qlimit` AS `t0_c3`, `t`.`action` AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`active` AS `t0_c5`, `t`.`autoload_url` AS `t0_c6`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_id` AS `t1_c0`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_quota_id` AS `t1_c1`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_language` AS `t1_c2`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_name` AS `t1_c3`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_message` AS `t1_c4`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_url` AS `t1_c5`, `languagesettings`.`quotals_urldescrip` AS `t1_c6` FROM `lime_quota` `t` LEFT OUTER JOIN `lime_quota_languagesettings` `languagesettings` ON (`languagesettings`.`quotals_quota_id`=`t`.`id`) WHERE (`t`.`sid`=:yp0) AND (quotals_language='fr'). Bound with :yp0='797631') 1 0.00036 0.00036 0.00036 0.00036
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_permissions` `t` WHERE `t`.`entity_id`=:yp0 AND `t`.`entity`=:yp1 AND `t`.`uid`=:yp2 AND `t`.`permission`=:yp3 LIMIT 1. Bound with :yp0=0, :yp1='global', :yp2='1', :yp3='superadmin') 1 0.00036 0.00036 0.00036 0.00036
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_groups` `t` WHERE `t`.`sid`=:yp0 ORDER BY group_order. Bound with :yp0='797631') 1 0.00035 0.00035 0.00035 0.00035
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `questionAttributes`.`qaid` AS `t1_c0`, `questionAttributes`.`qid` AS `t1_c1`, `questionAttributes`.`attribute` AS `t1_c2`, `questionAttributes`.`value` AS `t1_c3`, `questionAttributes`.`language` AS `t1_c4` FROM `lime_question_attributes` `questionAttributes` WHERE (`questionAttributes`.`qid`=:ypl0). Bound with :ypl0='2') 1 0.00035 0.00035 0.00035 0.00035
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT `t`.`sid` AS `c`, COUNT(*) AS `s` FROM `lime_groups` `t` WHERE (`t`.`sid`=797631) GROUP BY `t`.`sid`) 1 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT a.qid, a.sqid, a.scale_id, a.specialtype, a.defaultvalue FROM lime_defaultvalues as a, lime_questions as b WHERE a.qid = b.qid AND a.language = 'fr' AND b.same_default=0 AND b.sid = 797631) 1 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='authenticationPlugins' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='force_ssl' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034 0.00034
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='googleanalyticsapikey' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_answers` `t` WHERE `t`.`question_id` IS NULL) 1 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT DISTINCT qid, type FROM `lime_questions` `t` WHERE sid=:sid and parent_qid=0 GROUP BY qid. Bound with :sid='797631') 1 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033 0.00033
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT a.qid, a.sqid, a.scale_id, a.specialtype, a.defaultvalue FROM lime_defaultvalues as a, lime_questions as b WHERE a.qid = b.qid AND a.language = 'en' AND b.same_default=0 AND b.sid = 797631) 1 0.00031 0.00031 0.00031 0.00031
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='defaulttemplate' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00030 0.00030 0.00030 0.00030
system.db.CDbCommand.query(SELECT * FROM `lime_settings_global` `t` WHERE `t`.`stg_name`='authorizationPlugin' LIMIT 1) 1 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029