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The following answers were given by the participant:
Response ID 13
Date submitted 01-29-2015 16:47:59
Last page 5
Start language en
Project Basic Info
What name/title do you want to use to refer to this project? x
Who is the Technical Contact for your System?
[First Name] x
[Last Name] x
[Title] x
[Area] x
[Email] x@y.com
[Phone ] 1111111111
Who is the Business or Supervisor Contact who will sign the agreement and authorize the fund transfer? 
[First Name] x
[Last Name] x
[Title] x
[Area]! x
[Email] x@y.com
[Phone ] 1111111111
What is the department/area this system will be associated with? x
What is the Account String that will be used to pay for this service? x
Server Information
Is there a specific name for this server that you’d like to request?
(ex. HHS  for hhs.clemson.edu)

Is this server replacing an existing server?

Server Specification: Feature
Do you need a standard OS install or will this server be a virtual appliance?
Is this an Enterprise Level System or have a Latency-Sensitive Workload?
Do you want this system backed up?
Do you need Disaster Recovery Services for this system?
What Admin Support Level & Monitoring Level do you need for this server?
Is a database part of your system?
Is this new server part of a group of servers with identical function?
Is this server part of a larger set of servers that will all have the same access list of users and access levels?
How will you be connecting your server to do Admin services? (SSH, RDP, VPN, etc.) 
What IP address or network will you be on when you are using your Admin access rights? (i.e., or Clemson VPN, or Lee Hall, etc.)
Serv er Access
Admin Access Users:
General Access Users:
Networks & Ports
Will your system need to be accessed by anyone or any system outside of the Clemson network?
Are there any specific ports you will need opened for a specific Admin Tool you will use on your server?
If known, is there a specific VLAN or Network this server should be added to?
Configura! tion & Monitoring
Does your system need to be configured for shibboleth authentication/authorization for htaccess files?
Will any vendor be configuring your server for your specific software product after the initial OS installation is complete?  (If yes, they will need a VPN account)
For any 3rd party software application that will run on your system, who is the Application On-Call contact person responsible for starting, running and tuning the application?
[First Name]
[Last Name]
Will you need Application Level Monitoring beyond just System Monitoring?
Who is the point of contact to assist the monitoring team with application level monitoring?
[First Name:]
[Last Name:]