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S sid 561617
S owner_id 1
S admin LimeSurvey Development Team
S active N
S anonymized N
S format G
S savetimings N
S template default
S language en
S datestamp Y
S usecookie N
S allowregister N
S allowsave Y
S autonumber_start 0
S autoredirect N
S allowprev Y
S printanswers Y
S ipaddr N
S refurl N
S datecreated 2012-04-04
S publicstatistics Y
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S attributedescriptions "a:3:{s:11:""attribute_1"";a:3:{s:11:""description"";s:11:""Attribute 1"";s:9:""mandatory"";s:1:""N"";s:13:""show_register"";s:1:""N"";}s:11:""attribute_2"";a:3:{s:11:""description"";s:11:""Attribute 2"";s:9:""mandatory"";s:1:""N"";s:13:""show_register"";s:1:""N"";}s:11:""attribute_3"";a:3:{s:11:""description"";s:11:""Attribute 3"";s:9:""mandatory"";s:1:""N"";s:13:""show_register"";s:1:""N"";}}"
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SL surveyls_title Tailoring Examples en
SL surveyls_description This demo shows many of the new capabilities of LimeSurvey 1.92+ using the built-in ExpressionManager (EM), especially dynamic tailoring and conditional branching (relevance). en
SL surveyls_email_invite_subj Invitation to participate in a survey en
SL surveyls_email_invite "Dear {FIRSTNAME},
you have been invited to participate in a survey.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
SL surveyls_email_remind_subj Reminder to participate in a survey en
SL surveyls_email_remind "Dear {FIRSTNAME},
Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.
We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
SL surveyls_email_register_subj Survey registration confirmation en
SL surveyls_email_register Dear {FIRSTNAME},
You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.
To complete this survey, click on the following URL:
If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}. en
SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj Confirmation of your participation in our survey en
SL surveyls_email_confirm Dear {FIRSTNAME},
this email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.
If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.
SL surveyls_dateformat 7 en
SL surveyls_attributecaptions "a:3:{s:11:""attribute_1"";s:11:""Attribute 1"";s:11:""attribute_2"";s:11:""Attribute 2"";s:11:""attribute_3"";s:11:""Attribute 3"";}" en
SL email_admin_notification_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} en
SL email_admin_notification Hello,
A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.
Click the following link to reload the survey:
Click the following link to see the individual response:
Click the following link to edit the individual response:
View statistics by clicking here:
SL email_admin_responses_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results en
SL email_admin_responses "Hello,
A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.
Click the following link to reload the survey:
Click the following link to see the individual response:
Click the following link to edit the individual response:
View statistics by clicking here:
The following answers were given by the participant:
SL surveyls_numberformat 0 en
G Hidden Equations to Compute BMI 1 This computes your body mass index (BMI) and tells you your weight status.
It demonstrates the use of hidden Equation-type questions, whose values are stored in the database even though hidden on the screen. en
Q N weight 1 How much do you weigh? en Y N 1 1 0,1
Q ! weight_units 1 Which units are you using for weight? en Y N 1 1
A 0 kg kg kilograms en
A 0 lb lb pounds en
Q * weight_kg 1 {if(weight_units=='kg',weight,weight*.453592)} en N 1 1
Q N height 1 How tall are you? en Y N 1 1 0,1
Q ! height_units 1 Which units are you using for height? en Y N 1 1
A 0 m m meters en
A 0 i i inches en
Q * height_m 1 {if(height_units=='m',height,height * 0.0254)} en N 1 1
Q * BMI ! is_empty(height) and ! is_empty(weight) {weight_kg/(height_m * height_m)} en N 1 1
Q * weight_status ! is_empty(height) and ! is_empty(weight) {if(BMI <= 18.5,'underweight', if(BMI < 25, 'normal weight', if(BMI < 30, 'overweight', if(BMI < 35, 'obese', if(BMI < 40, 'very obese', 'extremely obese')))))} en N 1 1
Q X Report ! is_empty(height) and ! is_empty(weight) && ! is_empty(height_units) and ! is_empty(weight_units) You said you are {height} {height_units.shown} tall, and weigh {weight} {weight_units.shown}.
Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is {round(BMI,2)}.
Assuming you are an adult, you are {weight_status}. en N 1 1
G Dynamic, On-page Report Generation 1 After saying where you live, watch how your answers dynamically change the reports at the bottom of the page. en
Q S city 1 What city do you live in? en N 1 300 500 11 1
Q N yearsThere ! is_empty(city) How long have you lived in {city} (years)? en N 1
Q R ranking ! is_empty(yearsThere) Which do you like best about {city}? en N 1
SQ 0 1 Rank 1 en
SQ 0 2 Rank 2 en
SQ 0 3 Rank 3 en
SQ 0 4 Rank 4 en
A 0 sport sport Sporting Events en
A 0 cult cult Cultural Events en
A 0 rel rel Religious Events en
A 0 pol pol Political Events en
Q E opinions ! is_empty(yearsThere) How should the following change in {city}? en N 1
SQ 0 tax Taxes en
SQ 0 srv Services en
SQ 0 evt Events en
Q 1 worries ! is_empty(yearsThere) How bad off is {city} on these issues, and how much do you worry about them? en N 1 Severity
SQ 0 taxes Property Tax rate en
SQ 0 smog Smog en
SQ 0 trans Transportation en
A 0 s1 s1 Mild Severity en
A 0 s2 s2 Moderate Severity en
A 0 s3 s3 Extreme Severity en
A 1 b1 b1 Mild Bothersomeness en
A 1 b2 b2 Moderate Bothersomeness en
A 1 b3 b3 Extreme Bothersomeness en
Q X report ! is_empty(yearsThere) Here is what you said about {city}, where you have lived for {yearsThere} years:
# | Question | Code | Value | Shown |
{city.qid} | {city.question} | {city} | {city.value} | {city.shown} |
{yearsThere.qid} | {yearsThere.question} | {yearsThere} | {yearsThere.value} | {yearsThere.shown} |
{ranking_1.qid} | {ranking_1.question} | {ranking_1} | {ranking_1.value} | {ranking_1.shown} |
{ranking_2.qid} | {ranking_2.question} | {ranking_2} | {ranking_2.value} | {ranking_2.shown} |
{ranking_3.qid} | {ranking_3.question} | {ranking_3} | {ranking_3.value} | {ranking_3.shown} |
{ranking_4.qid} | {ranking_4.question} | {ranking_4} | {ranking_4.value} | {ranking_4.shown} |
{opinions_tax.qid} | {opinions_tax.question} | {opinions_tax} | {opinions_tax.value} | {opinions_tax.shown} |
{opinions_srv.qid} | {opinions_srv.question} | {opinions_srv} | {opinions_srv.value} | {opinions_srv.shown} |
{opinions_evt.qid} | {opinions_evt.question} | {opinions_evt} | {opinions_evt.value} | {opinions_evt.shown} |
{worries_taxes_0.qid} | {worries_taxes_0.question} | {worries_taxes_0} | {worries_taxes_0.value} | {worries_taxes_0.shown} |
{worries_taxes_1.qid} | {worries_taxes_1.question} | {worries_taxes_1} | {worries_taxes_1.value} | {worries_taxes_1.shown} |
{worries_smog_0.qid} | {worries_smog_0.question} | {worries_smog_0} | {worries_smog_0.value} | {worries_smog_0.shown} |
{worries_smog_1.qid} | {worries_smog_1.question} | {worries_smog_1} | {worries_smog_1.value} | {worries_smog_1.shown} |
{worries_trans_0.qid} | {worries_trans_0.question} | {worries_trans_0} | {worries_trans_0.value} | {worries_trans_0.shown} |
{worries_trans_1.qid} | {worries_trans_1.question} | {worries_trans_1} | {worries_trans_1.value} | {worries_trans_1.shown} |
city | 561617X69X1321 | {561617X69X1321}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X1321} |
yearsThere | 561617X69X1322 | {561617X69X1322}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X1322} |
ranking_2 | 561617X69X13232 | {561617X69X13232}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X13232} |
opinions_srv | 561617X69X1324srv | {561617X69X1324srv}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X1324srv} |
worries_smog_0 | 561617X69X1325smog#0 | {561617X69X1325smog#0}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X1325smog#0} |
worries_trans_1 | 561617X69X1325trans#1 | {561617X69X1325trans#1}, {INSERTANS:561617X69X1325trans#1} |
" en N 1 1 G Dynamic Math Display 1 Shows the syntax of all of the currently available math function. Change the values for num and num2 to show how its results change. en Q X math 1
Function | Syntax | Result |
Absolute value | abs({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),abs(num),'')} |
Arc cosine | acos({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),acos(num),'')} |
Arc sine | asin({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),asin(num),'')} |
Arc tangent of two variables | atan2({num},{num2}) | {if(is_numeric(num) && is_numeric(num2),atan2(num,num2),'')} |
Arc tangent | atan({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),atan(num),'')} |
Round fractions up | ceil({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),ceil(num),'')} |
Cosine | cos({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),cos(num),'')} |
Calculates the exponent of e | exp({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),exp(num),'')} |
Round fractions down | floor({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),floor(num),'')} |
Finds whether a value is not a number | is_nan({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),is_nan(num),'')} |
Natural logarithm | log({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),log(num),'')} |
Get value of pi | pi() | {pi()} |
Exponential expression | pow({num},{num2}) | {if(is_numeric(num) && is_numeric(num2),pow(num,num2),'')} |
Generate a random integer | rand() | {rand()} |
Rounds a float | round({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),round(num),'')} |
Sine | sin({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),sin(num),'')} |
Square root | sqrt({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),sqrt(num),'')} |
Calculate the sum of values in an array | sum({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),sum(num),'')} |
Tangent | tan({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),tan(num),'')} |
Find lowest value | min({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2) | {if(is_numeric(num),min(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} |
Find highest value | max({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2) | {if(is_numeric(num),max(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} |
Sum | sum({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2) | {if(is_numeric(num),sum(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} |
Join array elements with a string | implode('~',{num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2) | {implode('~',num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2)} |
Get the integer value of a variable | intval({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),intval(num),'')} |
Finds whether the type of a variable is float | is_float({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),is_float(num),'')} |
Finds whether the type of a variable is integer | is_int({num}) | {if(is_numeric(num),is_int(num),'')} |
Finds whether the type of a variable is NULL | is_null({num}) | {is_null(num)} |
Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string | is_numeric({num}) | {is_numeric(num)} |
Finds whether the type of a variable is string | is_string({num}) | {is_string(num)} |
Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty | is_empty({num}) | {is_empty(num)} |
You're all done, thanks!
en N 1 1