PHP warning

Missing argument 1 for accessDenied(), called in C:\limesurvey\application\controllers\admin\surveypermission.php on line 334 and defined


6399         } // Enf if modified
6400     } // end while qentry
6401 }
6403 /**
6404 * This function is a replacement of accessDenied.php which return appropriate error message which is then displayed.
6405 *
6406 * @params string $action - action for which acces denied error message is to be returned
6407 * @params string sid - survey id
6408 * @return $accesssummary - proper access denied error message
6409 */
6410 function accessDenied($action,$sid='')
6411 {
6412     $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
6413     if (Yii::app()->session['loginID'])
6414     {
6415         $ugid = Yii::app()->getConfig('ugid');
6416         $accesssummary = "<p><strong>".$clang->gT("Access denied!")."</strong><br />\n";
6417         $scriptname = Yii::app()->getConfig('scriptname');
6418         //$action=returnGlobal('action');
6419         if  (  $action == "dumpdb"  )
6420         {
6421             $accesssummary .= "<p>".$clang->gT("You are not allowed dump the database!")."<br />";
6422             $accesssummary .= "<a href='$scriptname'>".$clang->gT("Continue")."</a><br />&nbsp;\n";

Stack Trace

 C:\limesurvey\application\controllers\admin\surveypermission.php(334): accessDenied()
329                     $addsummary .= "<br/><input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"'".$this->getController()->createUrl('admin/surveypermission/sa/view/surveyid/'.$surveyid)."', '_top')\" value=\"".$clang->gT("Continue")."\"/>\n";
330                 }
331             }
332             else
333             {
334                 accessDenied();
335             }
337             $addsummary .= "</div>\n";
339             $aViewUrls['output'] = $addsummary;
 C:\limesurvey\application\core\Survey_Common_Action.php(100): CAction->runWithParamsInternal(surveypermission, ReflectionMethod, array("surveyid" => "328177", "sa" => "adduser", "iSurveyId" => "328177", "iSurveyID" => "328177"))
095             $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault);
096         }
098         // We're all good to go, let's execute it
099         // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params
100         return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params);
101     }
103     /**
104     * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the
105     * usual parameters we're getting in the url. This function just populates
 C:\limesurvey\application\controllers\AdminController.php(169): CController->run("surveypermission")
164                     $this->redirect($this->createUrl('/admin/authentication/sa/login'));
165                 }
167             }
169             return parent::run($action);
170     }
172     /**
173     * Routes all the actions to their respective places
174     *
2013-01-10 14:30:53 Microsoft-IIS/7.5 Yii Framework/1.1.10