PHP notice

Undefined offset: 0


184                 unset($graph);
185             }
186         }    //end if (bar chart)
188         //Pie Chart
189         else
190         {
191             // this block is to remove the items with value == 0
192             // and an inelegant way to remove comments from List with Comments questions
193             $i = 0;
194             while (isset ($gdata[$i]))
195             {
196                 if ($gdata[$i] == 0 || ($type == "O" && substr($lbl[$i],0,strlen($oLanguage->gT("Comments")))==$oLanguage->gT("Comments")))
197                 {
198                     array_splice ($gdata, $i, 1);
199                     array_splice ($lbl, $i, 1);
200                 }
201                 else
202                 {$i++;}
203             }
205             if ($language=='ar')
206             {
207                 if(!class_exists('I18N_Arabic_Glyphs',false)) $Arabic = new I18N_Arabic('Glyphs');
208                  else $Arabic=new I18N_Arabic_Glyphs();

Stack Trace

 C:\limesurvey_test\application\helpers\admin\statistics_helper.php(2938): createChart("176", "897685", true, array("On the coach" => "0", "By car - driving" => "1", "By car - passenger" => "0", "Other" => "0", ...), ...)
2933             );
2934             Yii::app()->session['stats'] = $stats;
2936             if (array_sum($gdata)>0 && $bShowGraph == true)
2937             {
2938                 $cachefilename = createChart($qqid, $qsid, $bShowPieChart, $lbl, $gdata, $grawdata, $MyCache, $statlang);
2939                 //introduce new counter
2940                 if (!isset($ci)) {$ci=0;}
2942                 //increase counter, start value -> 1
2943                 $ci++;
 C:\limesurvey_test\application\helpers\admin\statistics_helper.php(3385): statistics_helper->displayResults(array("alist" => array(array("1", "On the coach"), array("2", "By car - driving"), array("3", "By car - passenger"), array("Other", "Other", "897685X4X176other"), ...), "qtitle" => "A2", "qquestion" => "How did you travel to the venue?", "qtype" => "L", ...), "1", "897685X4X176", "html", ...)
3380                 $outputs=$this->buildOutputList($rt, $language, $surveyid, $outputType, $sql, $statlang);
3381                 $statisticsoutput .= $outputs['statisticsoutput'];
3382                 //2. Collect and Display results #######################################################################
3383                 if (isset($outputs['alist']) && $outputs['alist']) //Make sure there really is an answerlist, and if so:
3384                 {
3385                     $display=$this->displayResults($outputs, $results, $rt, $outputType, $surveyid, $sql, $usegraph, $browse, $statlang);
3386                     $statisticsoutput .= $display['statisticsoutput'];
3387                     $astatdata = array_merge($astatdata, $display['astatdata']);
3388                 }    //end if -> collect and display results
 C:\limesurvey_test\application\controllers\admin\statistics.php(467): statistics_helper->generate_statistics("897685", array("idG", "idL", "897685X4X611", "897685X4X612", ...), array("idG", "idL", "897685X4X611", "897685X4X612", ...), 1, ...)
462             $outputType = $_POST['outputtype'];
464             $helper = new statistics_helper();
465             switch($outputType){
466                 case 'html':
467                     $statisticsoutput .= $helper->generate_statistics($surveyid,$summary,$summary,$usegraph,$outputType,'DD',$statlang);
468                     break;
469                 case 'pdf':
470                     $helper->generate_statistics($surveyid,$summary,$summary,$usegraph,$outputType,'I',$statlang);
471                     exit;
472                     break;
2012-12-05 12:50:32 Microsoft-IIS/7.5 Yii Framework/1.1.10