UNC - Microsoft SQL Server Version
PHP warning

PHP warning

Illegal string offset 'language'


18             </select></li>
19         <li><label for='reminderstatus'><?php $clang->eT('Reminder status:'); ?></label><select id='reminderstatus' name='reminderstatus' >
20                 <option selected='selected' value='0'><?php $clang->eT('All'); ?></option>
21                 <option value='1'><?php $clang->eT('Reminder(s) sent'); ?></option>
22                 <option value='2'><?php $clang->eT('No reminder(s) sent'); ?></option>
23             </select></li>
24         <li><label for='tokenlanguage' ><?php $clang->eT('Filter by language'); ?></label><select id='tokenlanguage' name='tokenlanguage' >
25                 <option selected='selected' value=''><?php $clang->eT('All'); ?></option>
26 <?php
27 if($resultr){
28     foreach ($resultr as $lrow)
29     {
30         echo "<option value='{$lrow['language']}'>" . getLanguageNameFromCode($lrow['language']) . "</option>";
31     }
32 }
33 ?>
34             </select></li>
35         <li><label for='filteremail' ><?php $clang->eT('Filter by email address'); ?></label><input type='email' id='filteremail' name='filteremail' /></li>
36         <li>&nbsp;</li>
37         <li><label for='tokendeleteexported' ><?php $clang->eT('Delete exported tokens'); ?></label><input type='checkbox' id='tokendeleteexported' name='tokendeleteexported' /> </li>
38     </ul>
39     <p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='<?php $clang->eT('Export tokens'); ?>' />
40         <input type='hidden' name='action' id='action' value='tokens' />
41         <input type='hidden' name='sid' id='sid' value='<?php echo $surveyid; ?>' />
42         <input type='hidden' name='subaction' id='subaction' value='export' />

Stack Trace

 C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\core\Survey_Common_Action.php(268): CController->render("/admin/token/exportdialog", array("resultr" => Tokens_dynamic, "thissurvey" => array("surveyls_survey_id" => "761276", "surveyls_language" => "en", "surveyls_title" => "UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Survey", "surveyls_description" => "This field is disabled - contact Bruce to enable. btaggart@unch....", ...), "surveyid" => "761276", "imageurl" => "/MSSQL/styles/gringegreen/images/", ...))
263         {
264             if (empty($sViewKey) || !in_array($sViewKey, array('message', 'output')))
265             {
266                 if (is_numeric($sViewKey))
267                 {
268                     Yii::app()->getController()->render($sViewPath . $viewUrl, $aData);
269                 }
270                 elseif (is_array($viewUrl))
271                 {
272                     foreach ($viewUrl as $aSubData)
273                     {
 C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\controllers\admin\tokens.php(2416): Survey_Common_Action->_renderWrappedTemplate("token", array("tokenbar", "exportdialog"), array("resultr" => Tokens_dynamic, "thissurvey" => array("surveyls_survey_id" => "761276", "surveyls_language" => "en", "surveyls_title" => "UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Survey", "surveyls_description" => "This field is disabled - contact Bruce to enable. btaggart@unch....", ...), "surveyid" => "761276", "imageurl" => "/MSSQL/styles/gringegreen/images/", ...))
2411     */
2412     protected function _renderWrappedTemplate($sAction = 'token', $aViewUrls = array(), $aData = array())
2413     {
2414         $aData['imageurl'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl');
2415         $aData['display']['menu_bars'] = false;
2416         parent::_renderWrappedTemplate($sAction, $aViewUrls, $aData);
2417     }
2419 }
 C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\controllers\admin\tokens.php(1530): tokens->_renderWrappedTemplate("token", array("tokenbar", "exportdialog"), array("resultr" => Tokens_dynamic, "thissurvey" => array("surveyls_survey_id" => "761276", "surveyls_language" => "en", "surveyls_title" => "UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Survey", "surveyls_description" => "This field is disabled - contact Bruce to enable. btaggart@unch....", ...), "surveyid" => "761276"))
1525         {
1526             $aData['resultr'] = Tokens_dynamic::model($iSurveyId)->find(array('select' => 'language', 'group' => 'language'));
1527             $aData['thissurvey'] = getSurveyInfo($iSurveyId);
1528             $aData['surveyid'] = $iSurveyId;
1530             $this->_renderWrappedTemplate('token', array('tokenbar', 'exportdialog'), $aData);
1531         }
1532     }
1534     /**
1535     * Performs a ldap import
2012-11-01 11:18:58 Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) PHP/5.4.8 Yii Framework/1.1.10