# LimeSurvey Survey Dump # DBVersion 138 # This is a dumped survey from the LimeSurvey Script # http://www.limesurvey.org/ # Do not change this header! # # SURVEYS TABLE # "sid","owner_id","admin","active","expires","startdate","adminemail","private","faxto","format","template","language","additional_languages","datestamp","usecookie","notification","allowregister","allowsave","autonumber_start","autoredirect","allowprev","printanswers","ipaddr","refurl","datecreated","publicstatistics","publicgraphs","listpublic","htmlemail","tokenanswerspersistence","assessments","usecaptcha","usetokens","bounce_email","attributedescriptions" "73392","1","ItsNowTime","Y","","","support@itsnowtime.com, frcjd@cox.net","N","","G","copy_of_mint_idea","en","","N","N","2","N","Y","11","Y","Y","Y","N","Y","2009-08-08","N","N","Y","Y","N","N","D","N","support@itsnowtime.com, frcjd@cox.net","" # # GROUPS TABLE # "gid","sid","group_name","group_order","description","language" "1","73392","Time & Money","1","
Tell us about your time and money requirements...
","en" "2","73392","About You","2","Tell us a little about yourself. The more specific your answers, the better the results.
","en" "3","73392","About Your Future Business","3","What would be your ideal business...","en" "4","73392","Contact Information","0","","en" # # QUESTIONS TABLE # "qid","sid","gid","type","title","question","preg","help","other","mandatory","lid","lid1","question_order","language" "1","73392","1","L","IncomePerWeek","How much income per week would you like to make?","","Select your PER WEEK income goal.","N","Y","0","0","0","en" "2","73392","1","L","Time","How much TIME are you willing to spend creating your desired income?","","Hint: Figure out how much time you are currently wasting watching TV, surf'n the web or playing video games.","N","N","0","0","2","en" "3","73392","1","L","Invest","How much money are you willing to invest in a business that would generate your desired income?","","","N","Y","0","0","1","en" "4","73392","2","T","passion","What are you passionate AND knowledgeable about? List all your hobbies, interests and anything your good at...","","Are you a expert juggler or a baseball fanatic? List anything you love that you currently do not make money doing.","N","Y","0","0","0","en" "5","73392","2","T","pro_skills","What is your professional/work background and what business skills do you possess?","","Example: I've been in the auto industry for 29 years. I have above average sales, management and financial skills.","N","Y","0","0","1","en" "6","73392","2","S","important","What is most important to you in life?","","Just 2-3 things... like family, health, God, helping others, financial security, more time....","N","Y","0","0","2","en" "7","73392","2","B","attributes","On a scale from 1-10, please rate yourself and your personality ... be truthful!","","Scale: 1 = No / Never 5 = Somtimes / Maybe 10 = Yes / Always","N","N","0","0","3","en" "8","73392","2","T","Current_job","What is your current job and what do you like and dislike about it?","","Example: I currently work for HomeBase as a design consultant. I like that I can help people design their dreams and keep them in budget. I dislike the hours and the schedule always changes.
","N","N","0","0","4","en" "9","73392","3","M","interest_starting","Why are you interested in starting your own business / making additional income?","","Many of these may apply to you... choose 1-2 that are your "main" motivation for starting your own business.","Y","Y","0","0","0","en" "10","73392","3","L","how_long","How long have you been thinking about or researching starting your own business or making more money?","","","N","N","0","0","1","en" "11","73392","3","T","concerns","What concerns you the most about starting your own business / make money opportunities?","","Think about this one! List as many as you like.... Examples: start-up costs, losing money, no time, no experience, failure, no help or support, no money, being scammed...","N","Y","0","0","2","en" "12","73392","3","T","perfect_biz","Last Question... ","","\n
Example: I would like to start a part-time, home-based business with my wife, selling sporting goods. I would like to mainly work on the internet. I don't want employees, but I would like to have anyone who wants promote my products for a commission. I would like to generate an extra $500-$700 a month while keeping my current job. I would like to set up my business to provide residual or monthly income for many years with out additional work.
","N","Y","0","0","3","en" "13","73392","4","Q","user_info","Please provide your contact information below...","","This is important! We need to know how to contact you with your results.","N","Y","0","0","0","en" # # ANSWERS TABLE # "qid","code","answer","default_value","assessment_value","sortorder","language" "1","100","$100-$250 Per Week","N","0","1","en" "1","101","$250-$500 Per Week","N","0","2","en" "1","102","$500-$1,000 Per Week","N","0","3","en" "1","103","$1,000-$2,000 Per Week","N","0","4","en" "1","104","$2,000 + Per Week","N","0","5","en" "2","200","1 - 2 Hours per day","N","0","1","en" "2","201","2 - 4 Hours per day","N","0","2","en" "2","202","4 - 6 Hours per day","N","0","3","en" "2","203","6 - 8 Hours per day","N","0","4","en" "3","300","$1 - $100","N","0","1","en" "3","301","$100 - $250","N","0","2","en" "3","302","$250 - $500","N","0","3","en" "3","303","$500 - $1,000","N","0","4","en" "3","304","$1,500 Or More","N","0","5","en" "7","500","I like talking to people","N","0","1","en" "7","501","I'm patient","N","0","2","en" "7","502","I work hard","N","0","4","en" "7","503","I'm good with technology and the Internet","N","0","3","en" "7","504","I keep up with trends and news","N","0","5","en" "7","505","I'm good at writing","N","0","6","en" "7","506","I enjoy reading","N","0","7","en" "7","507","I enjoy a challenge","N","0","8","en" "7","508","I like selling","N","0","9","en" "7","509","I procrastinate","N","0","10","en" "7","510","I work well on my own","N","0","11","en" "7","511","I like to take chances","N","0","12","en" "7","512","I learn things quickly","N","0","13","en" "9","600","I want to work from home","N","0","1","en" "9","601","Pay off Debt / Bills ","N","0","2","en" "9","602","I want more ""free"" time","N","0","3","en" "9","603","Additional stream of income","N","0","4","en" "9","604","I don't want work a ""normal"" job anymore ","N","0","5","en" "9","605","Save for retirement ","N","0","6","en" "9","606","Emergency Cash","N","0","7","en" "9","607","I have a great idea! ","N","0","8","en" "9","608","Financial security ","N","0","9","en" "10","700","Just started looking.","N","0","1","en" "10","701","1 - 3 Months","N","0","2","en" "10","702","4 - 12 Mouths","N","0","3","en" "10","703","My Whole Life!","N","0","4","en" "13","900","Name:","N","0","1","en" "13","901","Email: ","N","0","2","en" "13","902","Phone:","N","0","3","en" "13","903","Country:","N","0","4","en" # # CONDITIONS TABLE # # # LABELSETS TABLE # # # LABELS TABLE # # # QUESTION_ATTRIBUTES TABLE # "qaid","qid","attribute","value" "1","4","text_input_width","55" "2","5","text_input_width","55" "3","6","text_input_width","75" "4","7","answer_width","22" "5","8","text_input_width","55" "6","11","text_input_width","75" "7","12","text_input_width","75" # # ASSESSMENTS TABLE # # # SURVEYS_LANGUAGESETTINGS TABLE # "surveyls_survey_id","surveyls_language","surveyls_title","surveyls_description","surveyls_welcometext","surveyls_endtext","surveyls_url","surveyls_urldescription","surveyls_email_invite_subj","surveyls_email_invite","surveyls_email_remind_subj","surveyls_email_remind","surveyls_email_register_subj","surveyls_email_register","surveyls_email_confirm_subj","surveyls_email_confirm","surveyls_dateformat" "73392","en","BusinessMatch","The Perfect Business Compatibility Quiz","This simple web page could be the start of something great in your life. Whether
\nyour looking to make an extra few hundred dollars a month, or thousands, we
\ncan help you discover multiple ways to make money doing something you enjoy.
No scams, no get-rich-quick schemes-- just a simple system that matches your
\npersonality, passion, skill level, time and income needs to legitimate companies
\nand genuine income opportunities.
We are like a match-making service or employment agency, but we specialize
\nin helping people find, research and start successful home based and internet
It all starts with filling out the questionnaire. Once we receive your information,
\nwe research your personal profile and match you up with the best business
\nideas that you can then research.
It's 100% Free... So, let's get started!
","Your All Done! Finished!
\nYour results have been recorded and sent to us. A super-computer (a human),
\nwill start working on finding a match for you. We will usually get back to you within
\n48 hours.
\nIf we have any questions, we will contact you.
\nAlso, you should have a email arriving from us that you will need
\nto confirm your request. By clicking the link in the email, we will be
\nallowed to send your results.
\nThanks and we will be contacting you soon...