PHP warning

DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/themes/survey/fruity_twentythree/config.xml"


491      * a warning is logged with details about the issue.
492      *
493      * @param string $configFile Path to the configuration file to be checked and potentially updated.
494      *
495      * @return void This function does not return a value. It may either update the configuration file
496      *              or log a warning if the file is invalid or cannot be processed.
497      *
498      * @throws \Exception Propagates any exceptions thrown by `checkDomDocument`.
499      */
500     public static function checkConfigFiles($configFile)
501     {
502         $domDocument = new \DOMDocument;
503         $domDocument->load($configFile);
504         if (!$domDocument) {
505             \Yii::log('Invalid config file at ' . $configFile, \CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'application');
506             return;
507         }
508         try {
509             $newDomDocument = self::checkDomDocument($domDocument);
510             if ($newDomDocument) {
511                 $newDomDocument->save($configFile);
512             }
513         } catch (\Exception $e) {
514             \Yii::log('Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . 'found in ' . $configFile, \CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'application');
515         }

Stack Trace

 /home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/application/helpers/SurveyThemeHelper.php(503): DOMDocument->load("/home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/themes/survey/fruity_twentythree/...")
498      * @throws \Exception Propagates any exceptions thrown by `checkDomDocument`.
499      */
500     public static function checkConfigFiles($configFile)
501     {
502         $domDocument = new \DOMDocument;
503         $domDocument->load($configFile);
504         if (!$domDocument) {
505             \Yii::log('Invalid config file at ' . $configFile, \CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'application');
506             return;
507         }
508         try {
 /home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/application/models/TemplateManifest.php(1042): SurveyThemeHelper::checkConfigFiles("/home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/themes/survey/fruity_twentythree/...")
1037             if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
1038                 $bOldEntityLoaderState = libxml_disable_entity_loader(
1039                     true
1040                 ); // @see:
1041             }
1042             SurveyThemeHelper::checkConfigFiles($this->xmlFile);
1043             $sXMLConfigFile = file_get_contents(
1044                 realpath($this->xmlFile)
1045             ); // @see: Now that entity loader is disabled, we can't use simplexml_load_file; so we must read the file with file_get_contents and convert it as a string
1046             $oDOMConfig = new DOMDocument();
1047             // the loadXML is error suppressed, so we can check the return value
 /home/projects/qss/test_ls6.10/application/models/TemplateManifest.php(1149): TemplateManifest->readManifest()
1144     {
1145         // In manifest mode, we always use the default value from manifest, so no inheritance, no $bUseMagicInherit set needed
1146         $this->setTemplateName($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId); // Check and set template name
1147         $this->setIsStandard(); // Check if  it is a CORE template
1148         $this->setPath(); // Check and set path
1149         $this->readManifest(); // Check and read the manifest to set local params
1150     }
1152     /**
1153      * Get showpopups value from config or template configuration
1154      */
2025-01-27 15:12:33 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.30