PHP warning

Array to string conversion


1161      * @var $aSettings array    array of local setting
1162      * @return array
1163      */
1164     protected function changeMotherConfiguration($sType, $aSettings)
1165     {
1166         if (is_a($this->oMotherTemplate, 'TemplateConfiguration')) {
1167             // Check if each file exist in this template path
1168             // If the file exists in local template, we can remove it from mother template package.
1169             // Else, we must remove it from current package, and if it doesn't exist in mother template definition,
1170             // we must add it.
1171             // (and leave it in moter template definition if it already exists.)
1172             foreach ($aSettings as $key => $sFileName) {
1173                 if (file_exists($this->path . $sFileName)) {
1174                     App()->clientScript->removeFileFromPackage(
1175                         $this->oMotherTemplate->sPackageName,
1176                         $sType,
1177                         $sFileName
1178                     );
1179                 } else {
1180                     // File doesn't exist locally, so it should be removed
1181                     $key = array_search($sFileName, $aSettings);
1182                     unset($aSettings[$key]);
1184                     $oRTemplate = self::getTemplateForAsset($sFileName, $this);

Stack Trace

 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/noplugin/application/models/TemplateConfiguration.php(1708): TemplateConfig->changeMotherConfiguration("css", array(3 => array("css/variations/lumen.min.css")))
1703         if (
1704             App()->getConfig('force_xmlsettings_for_survey_rendering') ||
1705             ($this->template instanceof Template &&  $this->template->extends) ||
1706             !empty($this->config->metadata->extends)
1707         ) {
1708               $aCssFiles = $this->changeMotherConfiguration('css', $aCssFiles);
1709               $aJsFiles  = $this->changeMotherConfiguration('js', $aJsFiles);
1710         }
1712         //For fruity_twentythree surveytheme we completely replace the variation theme css file:
1713         $aCssFiles = $this->replaceVariationFilesWithRtl($aCssFiles);
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/noplugin/application/models/TemplateConfiguration.php(1660): TemplateConfiguration->createTemplatePackage(TemplateConfiguration)
1655         }
1657         $this->setBasics($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId, $bUseMagicInherit);
1658         $this->setMotherTemplates(); // Recursive mother templates configuration
1659         $this->setThisTemplate(); // Set the main config values of this template
1660         $this->createTemplatePackage($this); // Create an asset package ready to be loaded
1661         $this->removeFiles();
1662         $this->getshowpopups();
1664         if (!empty($sTemplateName) && !empty($iSurveyId)) {
1665             self::$aPreparedToRender[$sTemplateName][$iSurveyId][$bUseMagicInherit] = $this;
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/noplugin/application/models/Template.php(584): TemplateConfiguration->prepareTemplateRendering("extends_bootswatch", 982585)
579             return self::getTemplateConfiguration($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId, $iSurveyGroupId, $bForceXML, true);
580         }
582         if (empty(self::$instance) || ! self::isCorrectInstance($sTemplateName)) {
583             self::$instance = self::getTemplateConfiguration($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId, $iSurveyGroupId, $bForceXML);
584             self::$instance->prepareTemplateRendering($sTemplateName, $iSurveyId);
585         }
587         return self::getLastInstance(false);
588     }
2024-11-19 08:23:17 nginx/1.22.1 Yii Framework/1.1.30