PHP notice

Undefined property: stdClass::$emailnotificationto


201                         'selectOptions'=>($bShowInherited)?array_merge($optionsOnOff, array('I' => gT('Inherit','unescaped').' ['. $oSurveyOptions->allowsave . ']')): $optionsOnOff,
202                     ));
203                 ?>
204                 </div>
205             </div>
206             <!-- email basic to -->
207             <div class="form-group">
208             <?php $emailnotificationto = $oSurvey->emailnotificationto; ?>
209                 <div class="row">
210                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 content-right">
211                         <label class=" control-label"  for='emailnotificationto'><?php  eT("Send basic admin notification email to:"); ?></label>
212                             <input class="form-control inherit-edit <?php echo ($bShowInherited && $emailnotificationto === 'inherit' ? 'hide' : 'show'); ?>" type='<?php echo ($bShowInherited)?'text':'email'; ?>' size='50' id='emailnotificationto' name='emailnotificationto' value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($emailnotificationto); ?>" data-inherit-value="inherit" data-saved-value="<?php echo $emailnotificationto; ?>"/>
213                             <input class="form-control inherit-readonly <?php echo ($bShowInherited && $emailnotificationto === 'inherit' ? 'show' : 'hide'); ?>" type='text' size='50' value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($oSurveyOptions->emailnotificationto); ?>" readonly />
214                     </div>
215                     <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4 content-right <?php echo ($bShowInherited ? 'show' : 'hide'); ?>">
216                         <label class=" control-label content-center col-sm-12"  for='emailnotificationto'><?php  eT("Inherit:"); ?></label>
217                         <?php $this->widget('yiiwheels.widgets.buttongroup.WhButtonGroup', array(
218                             'name' => 'emailnotificationtobutton',
219                             'value'=> ($bShowInherited && $emailnotificationto === 'inherit' ? 'Y' : 'N'),
220                             'selectOptions'=>$optionsOnOff,
221                             'htmlOptions' => array(
222                                 'class' => 'text-option-inherit'
223                                 )
224                             ));
225                             ?>

Stack Trace

 /data/webdev/master/application/views/surveyAdministration/editLocalSettings_main_view.php(41): CController->renderPartial("/admin/survey/subview/accordion/_notification_panel", array("surveyid" => 796689, "users" => array(1 => "DenisChenu - Administrator", -1 => "Hérite [DenisChenu - Administrator]", 2 => "TEST - Full name of TEST", 3 => "rcuser - rcuser"), "aSurveyGroupList" => array(1 => "Default", 2 => "Gluf", 3 => "SG03", 4 => "Check"), "esrow" => Survey, ...))
36             echo CHtml::form(array("admin/database/index/".$entryData['action']), 'post', array('id'=>$entryData['name'],'name'=>$entryData['name'],'class'=>' form30'));
37         }
38       ?>
39         <div class="row">
40           <div class="<?=$entryData['classes']?>">
41             <?php $this->renderPartial($entryData['partial'],$templateData); ?>
42           </div>
43         </div>
45         <?php
46         if(empty($templateData['noform']) || $templateData['noform'] !== true )
 /data/webdev/master/application/controllers/SurveyAdministrationController.php(1966): CController->render("editLocalSettings_main_view", array("oSurvey" => Survey, "surveyid" => 796689, "sid" => 796689, "menuaction" => "notification", ...))
1961             'Y' => gT('On', 'unescaped'),
1962             'N' => gT('Off', 'unescaped'),
1963         );
1965         $this->aData = $aData;
1966         $this->render($menuEntry->template, $aData);
1967     }
1969     /**
1970      * Load ordering of question group screen.
1971      * questiongroup::organize()
 /data/webdev/master/application/controllers/LSBaseController.php(160): CController->run("rendersidemenulink")
155                     $this->redirect(array('/admin/authentication/sa/login'));
156                 }
157             }
158         }
160         parent::run($action);
161     }
163     /**
164      * Load and set session vars
165      *
2022-04-29 19:01:16 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.24-dev