
Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string


140                                     <div class="input-group-addon style__colorpicker">
141                                         <input type="color" name="' . $attributeKey . '_picker" data-value="' . $sParentOption . '" class="selector__colorpicker-inherit-value"/>
142                                     </div>
143                                     <input type="text" name="' . $attributeKey . '" data-inheritvalue="' . $sParentOption . '" value="inherit" class="selector_option_value_field selector__color-picker form-control simple_edit_options_' . $attributeKey . '" id="' . $attributeKey . '" />';
144                                     if ($bInherit && isset($sParentOption)){
145                                         echo '<div class="input-group-addon">
146                                             <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs selector__reset-colorfield-to-inherit"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></button>
147                                         </div>';
148                                     }
149                                 echo '</div>';
150                             } elseif ($attribute['type'] == 'dropdown'){
151                                 echo ' <div class="col-sm-12">
152                                 <select class="form-control selector_option_value_field selector_radio_childfield selector_image_selector" data-parent="' . $attribute['parent'] . '" data-inheritvalue=\'' . ($attributeKey == 'font' && isset($sPackagesToLoad) ? $sPackagesToLoad : $sParentOption) . '\' id="simple_edit_options_' . $attributeKey . '" name="' . $attributeKey . '"  >';
153                                 if ($bInherit){
154                                     if ($attributeKey == 'backgroundimagefile'){
155                                         $inheritedValue = isset($backgroundfileInheritPreview) ? $backgroundfileInheritPreview : '';
156                                     } elseif ($attributeKey == 'backgroundimagefile'){
157                                         $inheritedValue = isset($logofileInheritPreview) ? $logofileInheritPreview : '';
158                                     } else {
159                                         $inheritedValue = isset($sParentOption) ? $sParentOption : '';
160                                     }
161                                     echo '<option value="inherit">' . gT("Inherit") . ' [' . gT("inherited value:") . ' ' . $inheritedValue . ']</option>';
162                                 }
163                                 // dropdown options from config.xml file
164                                 echo $aOptionAttributes['optionAttributes'][$attributeKey]['dropdownoptions'];

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/views/themeOptions/update.php(111): CController->renderPartial("./options_core", array("aOptionAttributes" => array("categories" => array("Simple options", "Images"), "optionAttributes" => array("container" => array("type" => "buttons", "title" => "Survey container", "category" => "Simple options", "width" => "4", ...), "showpopups" => array("type" => "buttons", "title" => "Show popups", "category" => "Simple options", "width" => "4", ...), "showclearall" => array("type" => "buttons", "title" => "Show Clear All button", "category" => "Simple options", "width" => "4", ...), "questionhelptextposition" => array("type" => "buttons", "title" => "Question help text position", "category" => "Simple options", "width" => "4", ...), ...), "optionsPage" => "core"), "aTemplateConfiguration" => array("id" => "873", "template_name" => "CHECK_bootswatch_16782", "sid" => "587692", "gsid" => null, ...), "oParentOptions" => array("container" => "on", "showpopups" => "1", "showclearall" => "off", "questionhelptextposition" => "top", ...), "sPackagesToLoad" => "{"add":["pjax","moment"]}"))
106                             if ($aOptionAttributes['optionsPage'] == 'core'){
107                                 $this->renderPartial('./options_core', array(
108                                     'aOptionAttributes' => $aOptionAttributes,
109                                     'aTemplateConfiguration' => $aTemplateConfiguration,
110                                     'oParentOptions' => $oParentOptions,
111                                     'sPackagesToLoad' => $sPackagesToLoad
112                                     )
113                                 );
114                             } else {
115                                 echo '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="simple">';
116                                 echo $templateOptionPage;
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/controllers/ThemeOptionsController.php(729): CController->render("update", array("model" => TemplateConfiguration, "templateOptionPage" => "", "optionInheritedValues" => stdClass, "optionCssFiles" => "{"replace":["css\/theme.css","css\/custom.css"]}", ...))
724             $aData['subaction'] = gT("Survey theme options");
725             $aData['sidemenu']['landOnSideMenuTab'] = 'settings';
726         }
728         $this->aData = $aData;
729         $this->render('update', $aData);
730     }
732     /**
733      * Try to get the get-parameter from request.
734      * At the moment there are three namings for a survey id:
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/controllers/ThemeOptionsController.php(346): ThemeOptionsController->updateCommon(TemplateConfiguration, 587692)
341             if ($model->save()) {
342                 App()->user->setFlash('success', gT('Theme options saved.'));
343                 $this->redirect(array("themeOptions/updateSurvey", 'surveyid' => $sid));
344             }
345         }
346         $this->updateCommon($model, $sid);
347     }
349     /**
350      * Updates particular model.
351      * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
2021-02-24 12:55:50 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev