PHP notice

Undefined index: anonymized


6103             if ($groupSeq < 0 || $groupSeq >= $LEM->numGroups) {
6104                 return NULL;    // TODO - what is desired behavior?
6105             }
6106             $groupSeqInfo = (isset($LEM->groupSeqInfo[$groupSeq]) ? $LEM->groupSeqInfo[$groupSeq] : NULL);
6107             if (is_null($groupSeqInfo)) {
6108                 // then there are no questions in this group
6109                 return NULL;
6110             }
6111             $qInfo = $LEM->questionSeq2relevance[$groupSeqInfo['qstart']];
6112             $gseq = $qInfo['gseq'];
6113             $gid = $qInfo['gid'];
6114             $LEM->StartProcessingGroup($gseq, $LEM->surveyOptions['anonymized'], $LEM->sid); // analyze the data we have about this group
6116             $grel=false;  // assume irrelevant until find a relevant question
6117             $ghidden=true;   // assume hidden until find a non-hidden question.  If there are no relevant questions on this page, $ghidden will stay true
6118             $gmandViolation=false;  // assume that the group contains no manditory questions that have not been fully answered
6119             $gmandSoft=false;  // assume that the group contains no SOFT manditory questions that have not been fully answered
6120             $gmandNonSoft=false;  // is there any non SOFT manditory questions that have not been fully answered
6121             $gvalid=true;   // assume valid until discover otherwise
6122             $debug_message = '';
6123             $messages = array();
6124             $currentQset = array();
6125             $unansweredSQs = array();
6126             $invalidSQs = array();

Stack Trace

 /var/www/application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php(5342): LimeExpressionManager->_ValidateGroup(0)
5337                                 'invalidSQs'=>(isset($result['invalidSQs']) ? $result['invalidSQs'] : ''),
5338                             );
5339                             return $LEM->lastMoveResult;
5340                         }
5342                         $result = $LEM->_ValidateGroup($LEM->currentGroupSeq);
5343                         if (is_null($result)) {
5344                             continue;   // this is an invalid group - skip it
5345                         }
5346                         $message .= $result['message'];
5347                         $updatedValues = array_merge($updatedValues,$result['updatedValues']);
 /var/www/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(944): LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards()
939                     $this->aMoveResult = false; // so display welcome page again
940                 }
941             }
943             if ($this->sMove == "movenext") {
944                 $this->aMoveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
945             }
947             if (($this->sMove == 'movesubmit')) {
948                 if ($this->sSurveyMode == 'survey') {
949                     $this->aMoveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
 /var/www/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(647): SurveyRuntimeHelper->setMoveResult()
642         $this->initFirstStep(); // If it's the first time user load this survey, will init session and LEM
643         $this->initTotalAndMaxSteps();
644         $this->checkIfUseBrowserNav(); // Check if user used browser navigation, or relaoded page
645         if ($this->sMove != 'clearcancel' && $this->sMove != 'confirmquota') {
646             $this->checkPrevStep(); // Check if prev step is set, else set it
647             $this->setMoveResult();
648             $this->checkClearCancel();
649             $this->setPrevStep();
650             $this->checkIfFinished();
651             $this->setStep();
2020-06-25 13:52:29 nginx/1.14.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev