Recoverable error

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string


1580                         gT("Small screens"),
1581                         gT("Off")),
1582                     $value
1583                 );
1584             } else {
1585                 $oOptions[$key] = str_replace(
1586                     array('on', 'off', 'top', 'bottom'),
1587                     array(
1588                         gT("Yes"),
1589                         gT("No"),
1590                         gT("Top"),
1591                         gT("Bottom")),
1592                     $value
1593                 );
1594             }
1595         }
1596         return $oOptions;
1597     }
1598 }

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/models/TemplateConfiguration.php(1592): str_replace(array("on", "off", "top", "bottom"), array("Oui", "Non", "Haut", "Bas"), stdClass)
1587                     array(
1588                         gT("Yes"),
1589                         gT("No"),
1590                         gT("Top"),
1591                         gT("Bottom")),
1592                     $value
1593                 );
1594             }
1595         }
1596         return $oOptions;
1597     }
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/models/TemplateConfiguration.php(1021): TemplateConfiguration::translateOptionLabels(array("animatebody" => stdClass, "hideprivacyinfo" => stdClass, "container" => stdClass, "showpopups" => stdClass, ...))
1016         $oTemplate->setToInherit();
1017         $oTemplate->setOptions();
1018         $oTemplate->setOptionInheritance();
1020         $oOptions = (array) $oSimpleInheritanceTemplate->oOptions;
1021         $oOptions = TemplateConfiguration::translateOptionLabels($oOptions);
1023         //We add some extra values to the option page
1024         //This is just a dirty hack, and somewhere in the future we will correct it
1025         $renderArray['oParentOptions'] = array_merge(
1026             ($oOptions),
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/models/TemplateConfiguration.php(1479): CActiveRecord->__get("optionPage")
1474                 // NOTE: this is object recursive (if parent configuration field is set to inherit,
1475                 // then it will lead to this method again.)
1476                 $sAttribute = $this->getParentConfiguration()->$name;
1477             }
1478         } else {
1479             $sAttribute = parent::__get($name);
1480         }
1482         return $sAttribute;
1483     }
2020-05-06 07:09:31 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev
Journal d'application
Heure Niveau Categorie Message
07:09:31.823944 trace vardump
    [ajaxmode] => 'off'
    [brandlogo] => 'on'
    [container] => 'off'
    [hideprivacyinfo] => 'off'
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07:09:31.825933 trace vardump
    [animatebody] => stdClass#2
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    [fixnumauto] => stdClass#14
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                            [value] => 'georgia'
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                        [0] => 'Georgia'
                    1 => stdClass#27
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                            [class] => 'font-palatino        '
                            [value] => 'palatino'
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                        [0] => 'Palatino Linotype'
                    2 => stdClass#29
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                            [value] => 'times_new_roman'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
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                            [value] => 'arial'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Arial'
                    4 => stdClass#33
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                            [class] => 'font-arial_black     '
                            [value] => 'arial_black'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Arial Black'
                    5 => stdClass#35
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                            [value] => 'comic_sans'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Comic Sans'
                    6 => stdClass#37
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                            [class] => 'font-impact          '
                            [value] => 'impact'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Impact'
                    7 => stdClass#39
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                            [class] => 'font-lucida_sans     '
                            [value] => 'lucida_sans'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Sans'
                    8 => stdClass#41
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                            [class] => 'font-trebuchet       '
                            [value] => 'trebuchet'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Trebuchet'
                    9 => stdClass#43
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                            [value] => 'courier'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Courier New'
                    10 => stdClass#45
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                            [value] => 'lucida_console'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Console'
07:09:31.827104 trace vardump
    [ajaxmode] => 'off'
    [brandlogo] => 'on'
    [container] => 'off'
    [hideprivacyinfo] => 'off'
    [brandlogofile] => null
    [font] => 'noto'
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    [questionhelptextposition] => 'top'
    [fixnumauto] => 'enable'
07:09:31.828031 trace vardump
    [animatebody] => stdClass#2
        [@attributes] => stdClass#3
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            [category] => 'Simple options'
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            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
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    [container] => stdClass#6
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            [type] => 'buttons'
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                    1 => stdClass#27
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                            [value] => 'palatino'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Palatino Linotype'
                    2 => stdClass#29
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                            [value] => 'times_new_roman'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
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                            [value] => 'arial'
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                        [0] => 'Arial'
                    4 => stdClass#33
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                            [value] => 'arial_black'
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                        [0] => 'Arial Black'
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                            [value] => 'comic_sans'
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                        [0] => 'Comic Sans'
                    6 => stdClass#37
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                            [class] => 'font-impact          '
                            [value] => 'impact'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Impact'
                    7 => stdClass#39
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                            [class] => 'font-lucida_sans     '
                            [value] => 'lucida_sans'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Sans'
                    8 => stdClass#41
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                            [class] => 'font-trebuchet       '
                            [value] => 'trebuchet'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Trebuchet'
                    9 => stdClass#43
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                            [class] => 'font-courier         '
                            [value] => 'courier'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Courier New'
                    10 => stdClass#45
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                            [class] => 'font-lucida_console  '
                            [value] => 'lucida_console'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Console'
07:09:31.828109 trace vardump
    [ajaxmode] => 'off'
    [brandlogo] => 'on'
    [container] => 'off'
    [hideprivacyinfo] => 'off'
    [brandlogofile] => null
    [font] => 'noto'
    [animatebody] => 'off'
    [showpopups] => '0'
    [showclearall] => 'on'
    [questionhelptextposition] => 'top'
    [fixnumauto] => 'enable'
07:09:31.829103 trace vardump
    [animatebody] => stdClass#2
        [@attributes] => stdClass#3
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Animate body'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [hideprivacyinfo] => stdClass#4
        [@attributes] => stdClass#5
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Hide privacy info'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [container] => stdClass#6
        [@attributes] => stdClass#7
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Survey container'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'on'
    [showpopups] => stdClass#8
        [@attributes] => stdClass#9
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
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            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Show Clear All button'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [questionhelptextposition] => stdClass#12
        [@attributes] => stdClass#13
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Question help text position'
            [options] => 'top|bottom'
            [optionlabels] => 'Top|Bottom'
        [0] => 'top'
    [fixnumauto] => stdClass#14
        [@attributes] => stdClass#15
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Fix automatically numeric value'
            [options] => 'enable|partial|disable'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|For expression|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [brandlogo] => stdClass#16
        [@attributes] => stdClass#17
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Images'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Logo'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'on'
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            [type] => 'dropdown'
            [category] => 'Images'
            [width] => '6'
            [title] => 'Logo file'
            [parent] => 'brandlogo'
        [0] => 'themes/survey/vanilla/files/logo.png'
    [font] => stdClass#20
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            [type] => 'dropdown'
            [category] => 'Fonts'
            [width] => '12'
            [title] => 'Fonts'
            [parent] => 'font'
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                            [value] => 'georgia'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Georgia'
                    1 => stdClass#27
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#28
                            [class] => 'font-palatino        '
                            [value] => 'palatino'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Palatino Linotype'
                    2 => stdClass#29
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#30
                            [class] => 'font-times_new_roman '
                            [value] => 'times_new_roman'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Times New Roman'
                    3 => stdClass#31
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#32
                            [class] => 'font-arial           '
                            [value] => 'arial'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Arial'
                    4 => stdClass#33
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#34
                            [class] => 'font-arial_black     '
                            [value] => 'arial_black'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Arial Black'
                    5 => stdClass#35
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#36
                            [class] => 'font-comic_sans      '
                            [value] => 'comic_sans'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Comic Sans'
                    6 => stdClass#37
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#38
                            [class] => 'font-impact          '
                            [value] => 'impact'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Impact'
                    7 => stdClass#39
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#40
                            [class] => 'font-lucida_sans     '
                            [value] => 'lucida_sans'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Sans'
                    8 => stdClass#41
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#42
                            [class] => 'font-trebuchet       '
                            [value] => 'trebuchet'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Trebuchet'
                    9 => stdClass#43
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#44
                            [class] => 'font-courier         '
                            [value] => 'courier'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Courier New'
                    10 => stdClass#45
                        [@attributes] => stdClass#46
                            [class] => 'font-lucida_console  '
                            [value] => 'lucida_console'
                            [data-font-package] => 'websafe'
                        [0] => 'Lucida Console'