Recoverable error

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string


675             // NB: Session is flushed at submit, so sid is not defined here.
676             if (isset($_SESSION['survey_'.$aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid']]) &&
677                 isset($_SESSION['survey_'.$aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid']]['totalquestions'])) {
678                 $aDatas["aSurveyInfo"]['iTotalquestions'] = $_SESSION['survey_'.
679                 $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid']]['totalquestions'];
680             }
682             // Add the survey theme options
683             if ($oTemplate->oOptions) {
684                 foreach ($oTemplate->oOptions as $key => $value) {
685                     $aDatas["aSurveyInfo"]["options"][$key] = (string) $value;
686                 }
687             }
688         } else {
689             // Add the global theme options
690             $oTemplateConfigurationCurrent = Template::getInstance($oTemplate->sTemplateName);
691             $aDatas["aSurveyInfo"]["options"] = isJson($oTemplateConfigurationCurrent['options'])
692                 ? (array) json_decode($oTemplateConfigurationCurrent['options'])
693                 : $oTemplateConfigurationCurrent['options'];
694         }
696         $aDatas = $this->fixDataCoherence($aDatas);

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/core/LSETwigViewRenderer.php(488): LSETwigViewRenderer->getAdditionalInfos(array("aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "tokenencryptionoptions" => "", "template" => "copie_vanilla", ...)), TemplateConfiguration)
483         $this->_twig = $twig = parent::getTwig();
485         //Run theme related things only if a theme is provided!
486         if ($oTemplate !== null) {
487             // Get the additional infos for the view, such as language, direction, etc
488             $aDatas = $this->getAdditionalInfos($aDatas, $oTemplate);
490             // Add to the loader the path of the template and its parents.
491             $this->addRecursiveTemplatesPath($oTemplate);
493             // Plugin for blocks replacement
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/core/LSETwigViewRenderer.php(53): LSETwigViewRenderer->convertTwigToHtml("{# LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The LimeSurvey Pro...", array("aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "tokenencryptionoptions" => "", "template" => "copie_vanilla", ...)), TemplateConfiguration)
48     {
49         $oTemplate = Template::getLastInstance();
50         $oLayoutTemplate = $this->getTemplateForView($sLayout, $oTemplate);
51         if ($oLayoutTemplate) {
52             $line       = file_get_contents($oLayoutTemplate->viewPath.$sLayout);
53             $sHtml      = $this->convertTwigToHtml($line, $aDatas, $oTemplate);
54             $sEmHiddenInputs = LimeExpressionManager::FinishProcessPublicPage(true);
55             if ($sEmHiddenInputs) {
56                 $sHtml = str_replace(
57                     "<!-- emScriptsAndHiddenInputs -->",
58                     "<!-- emScriptsAndHiddenInputs updated -->\n".
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/helpers/frontend_helper.php(1212): LSETwigViewRenderer->renderTemplateFromFile("layout_user_forms.twig", array("aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "tokenencryptionoptions" => "", "template" => "copie_vanilla", ...)), false)
1208             $aData['aSurveyInfo'] = $thissurvey;
1210             $aData['aSurveyInfo'] = array_merge($aSurveyInfo, $aData['aSurveyInfo']);
1212             Yii::app()->twigRenderer->renderTemplateFromFile("layout_user_forms.twig", $aData, false);
1213             break;
1215         case "register": //Register new user
1216             // Add the event and test if done
1217             Yii::app()->runController("register/index/sid/{$surveyid}");
2020-05-06 07:08:26 nginx/1.18.0 Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev
Application Log
Timestamp Level Category Message
07:08:26.950699 trace vardump
    [ajaxmode] => 'off'
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    [questionhelptextposition] => 'top'
    [fixnumauto] => 'enable'
07:08:26.952614 trace vardump
    [animatebody] => stdClass#2
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            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
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    [container] => stdClass#6
        [@attributes] => stdClass#7
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Survey container'
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            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'on'
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            [type] => 'buttons'
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            [type] => 'buttons'
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            [title] => 'Show Clear All button'
            [options] => 'on|off'
            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [questionhelptextposition] => stdClass#12
        [@attributes] => stdClass#13
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
            [title] => 'Question help text position'
            [options] => 'top|bottom'
            [optionlabels] => 'Top|Bottom'
        [0] => 'top'
    [fixnumauto] => stdClass#14
        [@attributes] => stdClass#15
            [type] => 'buttons'
            [category] => 'Simple options'
            [width] => '4'
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            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|For expression|No'
        [0] => 'off'
    [brandlogo] => stdClass#16
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            [category] => 'Images'
            [width] => '4'
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            [optionlabels] => 'Yes|No'
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    [brandlogofile] => stdClass#18
        [@attributes] => stdClass#19
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            [category] => 'Images'
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            [title] => 'Logo file'
            [parent] => 'brandlogo'
        [0] => 'themes/survey/vanilla/files/logo.png'
    [font] => stdClass#20
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        [dropdownoptions] => stdClass#22
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                    0 => stdClass#25
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                    1 => stdClass#27
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                    2 => stdClass#29
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                    4 => stdClass#33
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                    5 => stdClass#35
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                    6 => stdClass#37
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                    7 => stdClass#39
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                    8 => stdClass#41
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                    10 => stdClass#45
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