
Table "lime_questions" does not have a column named "language".


685                     }
686                     else
687                     {
688                         $conditions[]=$prefix.$column->rawName.'='.self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i;
689                         $values[self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i]=$value;
690                         $i++;
691                     }
692                 }
693                 else
694                     $conditions[]=$prefix.$column->rawName.' IS NULL';
695             }
696             else
697                 throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Table "{table}" does not have a column named "{column}".',
698                     array('{table}'=>$table->name,'{column}'=>$name)));
699         }
700         $criteria->params=array_merge($values,$criteria->params);
701         if(isset($conditions[0]))
702         {
703             if($criteria->condition!='')
704                 $criteria->condition=implode(' AND ',$conditions).' AND ('.$criteria->condition.')';
705             else
706                 $criteria->condition=implode(' AND ',$conditions);
707         }
708         return $criteria;
709     }

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/develop/application/models/LSActiveRecord.php(238): CActiveRecord->findAllByAttributes(array("parent_qid" => "2525", "language" => "en"), array("order" => "question_order desc"), array())
233      * @return static[] the records found. An empty array is returned if none is found.
234      */
235     public function findAllByAttributes($attributes, $condition='',$params=array())
236     {
237         $attributes = $this->encryptAttributeValues($attributes);
238         return parent::findAllByAttributes($attributes, $condition, $params);
239     }    
241     /**
242      * @param int $iSurveyId
243      * @param string $sClassName
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/develop/application/controllers/admin/conditionsaction.php(1514): LSActiveRecord->findAllByAttributes(array("parent_qid" => "2525", "language" => "en"), array("order" => "question_order desc"))
1509         } elseif ($rows['type'] == Question::QT_K_MULTIPLE_NUMERICAL_QUESTION || $rows['type'] == Question::QT_Q_MULTIPLE_SHORT_TEXT) {
1510             //Multi shorttext/numerical
1511             $aresult = Question::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(
1512             "parent_qid" => $rows['qid'],
1513             "language" =>$this->language,
1514             ), array('order' => 'question_order desc'));
1516             foreach ($aresult as $arows) {
1517                 $shortanswer = "{$arows['title']}: [".strip_tags($arows['question'])."]";
1518                 $shortquestion = $rows['title'].":$shortanswer ".strip_tags($rows['question']);
1519                 $cquestions[] = array($shortquestion, $rows['qid'], $rows['type'], $rows['sid'].$X.$rows['gid'].$X.$rows['qid'].$arows['title']);
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/develop/application/controllers/admin/conditionsaction.php(272): conditionsaction->getCAnswersAndCQuestions(array(array("qid" => "2520", "sid" => "282267", "gid" => "123", "question" => "Short free text", ...), array("qid" => "2521", "sid" => "282267", "gid" => "123", "question" => "Long free text", ...), array("qid" => "2522", "sid" => "282267", "gid" => "123", "question" => "Huge free text", ...), array("qid" => "2523", "sid" => "282267", "gid" => "123", "question" => "Short free text (Numbers only)", ...), ...))
267         }
268     }
270     // Previous question parsing ==> building cquestions[] and canswers[]
271     if ($questionscount > 0) {
272         list($cquestions, $canswers) = $this->getCAnswersAndCQuestions($theserows);
273     } //if questionscount > 0
274     //END Gather Information for this question
276     $args['sCurrentFullQuestionText'] = $sCurrentFullQuestionText;
277     $args['questiontitle'] = $questiontitle;
2019-11-05 13:50:26 nginx/1.16.1 Yii Framework/1.1.21