PHP notice

Undefined index: include_content


446         $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['bShowClearAll'] = false; // default to not show "Exit and clear survey" button
448         if (!empty($aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid'])) {
449             $surveyid = $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid'];
450             $event->set('surveyId', $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['sid']);
452             // show "Exit and clear survey" button whenever there is 'srid' key set,
453             // button won't be rendered on welcome and final page because 'srid' key doesn't exist on those pages
454             // additionally checks for submit page to compensate when srid is needed to render other views
455             if (
456                 isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $surveyid]['srid'])
457                 && $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['active'] == 'Y'
458                 && $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['include_content'] !== 'submit'
459                 && $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['include_content'] !== 'submit_preview'
460             ) {
461                 $aDatas['aSurveyInfo']['bShowClearAll'] = true;
462             }
463         }
465         if (!App()->getConfig('force_xmlsettings_for_survey_rendering')){
466           App()->getPluginManager()->dispatchEvent($event);
467           $aPluginContent = $event->getAllContent();
468           if (!empty($aPluginContent['sTwigBlocks'])) {
469               $sString = $sString.$aPluginContent['sTwigBlocks'];
470           }

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/core/LSETwigViewRenderer.php(339): LSETwigViewRenderer->getPluginsData("{# LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The LimeSurvey Pro...", array("aError" => array("type" => "survey-notstart", "message" => "<p class="message-0">We are sorry but you are not allowed to ent...", "URL" => "", "title" => "<p class=' text-danger inherit-sizes' role='alert'> This inv..."), "aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "template" => "fruity", "language" => "en", ...)))
334             // Add to the loader the path of the template and its parents.
335             $this->addRecursiveTemplatesPath($oTemplate);
337             // Plugin for blocks replacement
339               list($sString, $aDatas) = $this->getPluginsData($sString, $aDatas);
342         }
344         // Twig rendering
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/core/LSETwigViewRenderer.php(42): LSETwigViewRenderer->convertTwigToHtml("{# LimeSurvey Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The LimeSurvey Pro...", array("aError" => array("type" => "survey-notstart", "message" => "<p class="message-0">We are sorry but you are not allowed to ent...", "URL" => "", "title" => "<p class=' text-danger inherit-sizes' role='alert'> This inv..."), "aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "template" => "fruity", "language" => "en", ...)), TemplateConfiguration)
37     {
38         $oTemplate = Template::getLastInstance();
39         $oLayoutTemplate = $this->getTemplateForView($sLayout, $oTemplate);
40         if ($oLayoutTemplate) {
41             $line       = file_get_contents($oLayoutTemplate->viewPath.$sLayout);
42             $sHtml      = $this->convertTwigToHtml($line, $aDatas, $oTemplate);
43             $sEmHiddenInputs = LimeExpressionManager::FinishProcessPublicPage(true);
44             if($sEmHiddenInputs) {
45                 $sHtml = str_replace("<!-- emScriptsAndHiddenInputs -->","<!-- emScriptsAndHiddenInputs updated -->\n".$sEmHiddenInputs,$sHtml);
46             }
47             if ($bReturn) {
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/controllers/SurveyController.php(143): LSETwigViewRenderer->renderTemplateFromFile("layout_errors.twig", array("aError" => array("type" => "survey-notstart", "message" => "<p class="message-0">We are sorry but you are not allowed to ent...", "URL" => "", "title" => "<p class=' text-danger inherit-sizes' role='alert'> This inv..."), "aSurveyInfo" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "template" => "fruity", "language" => "en", ...)), false)
138         $oTemplate = $oSurvey->templateModel;
140         $aSurveyInfo = $oSurvey->attributes;
141         $aSurveyInfo['aError'] = $aReplacementData;
143         Yii::app()->twigRenderer->renderTemplateFromFile("layout_errors.twig", array('aError'=>$aReplacementData, 'aSurveyInfo' => $aSurveyInfo), false);
144         App()->end();
145     }
146 }
2019-10-28 13:39:23 nginx/1.16.1 Yii Framework/1.1.21