id related_id class type/scale name relevance text help language validation mandatory other default same_default allowed_filetypes alphasort answer_width answer_width_bycolumn array_filter array_filter_exclude array_filter_style assessment_value autoComplete autoCompleteAsDropdown autoCompleteCsvFile autoCompleteFilter autoCompleteMinChar autoCompleteOneColumn autoCompletePlaceholder autoCompleteRemoveSpecialChar autoCompleteShowDefaultTip category_separator choice_input_columns choice_title code_filter commented_checkbox commented_checkbox_auto commentsOnSurvey_append commentsOnSurvey_comments cssclass date_format date_max date_min display_columns display_rows display_type dropdown_dates dropdown_dates_minute_step dropdown_dates_month_style dropdown_prefix dropdown_prepostfix dropdown_separators dropdown_size dualscale_headerA dualscale_headerB em_validation_q em_validation_q_tip em_validation_sq em_validation_sq_tip equals_num_value equation exclude_all_others exclude_all_others_auto extraSurvey extraSurveyNameInLanguage extraSurveyOtherField extraSurveyQuestion extraSurveyQuestionAllowDelete extraSurveyQuestionLink extraSurveyQuestionLinkUse extraSurveyResponseListAndManage extraSurveySetSurveySubmittedOnly extraSurveyShowId generateGraphHide generateGraphSize generateGraphSource hidden hide_tip input_boxes input_size iterativeQuestion javascript jquerySimpleMask_clearIfNotMatch jquerySimpleMask_mask jquerySimpleMask_placeholder jquerySimpleMask_reverse label_input_columns location_city location_country location_defaultcoordinates location_mapheight location_mapservice location_mapwidth location_mapzoom location_nodefaultfromip location_postal location_state max_answers max_filesize max_num_of_files max_num_value max_num_value_n max_subquestions maximum_chars min_answers min_num_of_files min_num_value min_num_value_n multiflexible_checkbox multiflexible_max multiflexible_min multiflexible_step needEmEvent notKnowCheckbox notKnowCheckboxLabel notWantCheckbox notWantCheckboxLabel num_value_int_only numbers_only other_comment_mandatory other_numbers_only other_replace_text page_break parent_order pdfReport pdfReportCreateToc pdfReportPdfGenerator pdfReportPrintAnswer pdfReportSanitizeSavedFileName pdfReportSavedFileName pdfReportSendByEmailAttachment pdfReportSendByEmailContent pdfReportSendByEmailMail pdfReportSubTitle pdfReportTitle prefix printable_help public_statistics question_template radioToStarRating random_group random_order rank_title readonly repeat_headings reverse samechoiceheight samelistheight scale_export scriptActivate show_comment show_grand_total show_title show_totals showpopups slider_accuracy slider_custom_handle slider_default slider_default_set slider_handle slider_layout slider_max slider_middlestart slider_min slider_orientation slider_rating slider_reset slider_reversed slider_separator slider_showminmax statistics_graphtype statistics_showgraph statistics_showmap suffix text_input_columns text_input_width time_limit time_limit_action time_limit_countdown_message time_limit_disable_next time_limit_disable_prev time_limit_message time_limit_message_delay time_limit_message_style time_limit_timer_style time_limit_warning time_limit_warning_2 time_limit_warning_2_display_time time_limit_warning_2_message time_limit_warning_2_style time_limit_warning_display_time time_limit_warning_message time_limit_warning_style useAsUniqueId use_dropdown value_range_allows_missing S sid 924389 S gsid 1 S admin "Amministratore" S adminemail S anonymized Y S faxto S format G S savetimings N S template vanilla S language en S additional_languages "fr it de-informal" S datestamp Y S usecookie N S allowregister N S allowsave Y S autonumber_start 0 S autoredirect N S allowprev Y S printanswers Y S ipaddr N S refurl N S showsurveypolicynotice 0 S publicstatistics Y S publicgraphs N S listpublic Y S htmlemail Y S sendconfirmation Y S tokenanswerspersistence N S assessments Y S usecaptcha N S usetokens N S bounce_email S attributedescriptions S emailresponseto S emailnotificationto S tokenlength 15 S showxquestions Y S showgroupinfo B S shownoanswer Y S showqnumcode B S bouncetime 0 S bounceprocessing N S bounceaccounttype S bounceaccounthost S bounceaccountpass S bounceaccountencryption S bounceaccountuser S showwelcome Y S showprogress Y S questionindex 2 S navigationdelay 0 S nokeyboard N S alloweditaftercompletion N S googleanalyticsstyle 0 S googleanalyticsapikey SL surveyls_survey_id 924389 de-informal SL surveyls_language de-informal de-informal SL surveyls_title "Beispielfragebogen für Limesurvey EN/FR/DE" de-informal SL surveyls_description "Dieser Beispielfragebogen demonstriert alle in Limesurvey vorhanden Fragetypen sowie zusätzliche Frageoptionen." de-informal SL surveyls_welcometext "

Dies ist die Willkommensnachricht des Fragebogens. Sie kann unter Fragebogeneinstellungen -> Texte angepasst werden.

" de-informal SL surveyls_endtext de-informal SL surveyls_policy_notice de-informal SL surveyls_policy_error de-informal SL surveyls_policy_notice_label de-informal SL surveyls_url de-informal SL surveyls_urldescription de-informal SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Einladung zur einer Umfrage" de-informal SL surveyls_email_invite "Hallo {FIRSTNAME},Hiermit möchten wir dich zu einer Umfrage einladen.Der Titel der Umfrage ist '{SURVEYNAME}''{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}'Um an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen, klicke bitte auf den unten stehenden Link.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,{ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})----------------------------------------------Klicke hier um die Umfrage zu starten:{SURVEYURL}Wenn Du an dieser Umfrage nicht teilnehmen und keine weiteren Erinnerungen erhalten möchtest, klicke bitte auf den folgenden Link:{OPTOUTURL}" de-informal SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Erinnerung an die Teilnahme an einer Umfrage" de-informal SL surveyls_email_remind "Hallo {FIRSTNAME},Vor kurzem haben wir Dich zu einer Umfrage eingeladen.Zu unserem Bedauern haben wir bemerkt, dass Du die Umfrage noch nicht ausgefüllt hast. Wir möchten Dir mitteilen, dass die Umfrage noch aktiv ist und würden uns freuen, wenn Du teilnehmen könntest.Der Titel der Umfrage ist '{SURVEYNAME}''{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}'Um an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen, klicke bitte auf den unten stehenden Link. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,{ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})----------------------------------------------Klicken Du hier um die Umfrage zu starten:{SURVEYURL}Wenn Du an dieser Umfrage nicht teilnehmen und keine weiteren Erinnerungen erhalten möchtest, klicke bitte auf den folgenden Link:{OPTOUTURL}" de-informal SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Registrierungsbestätigung für Teilnahmeumfrage" de-informal SL surveyls_email_register "Hallo {FIRSTNAME},Du (oder jemand, der Deine E-Mail benutzt hat) hat sich für eine Umfrage mit dem Titel {SURVEYNAME} angemeldet.Um an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen, klicke bitte auf den folgenden Link.nn{SURVEYURL}Wenn Du irgendwelche Fragen zu dieser Umfrage hast oder wenn Du Dich _nicht_ für diese Umfrage angemeldet hast und Du glaubst, dass Dir diese E-Mail irrtümlicherweise zugeschickt worden ist, kontaktiere bitte {ADMINNAME} unter {ADMINEMAIL}." de-informal SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Bestätigung für die Teilnahme an unserer Umfrage" de-informal SL surveyls_email_confirm "Hallo {FIRSTNAME},Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme an der Umfrage mit dem Titel {SURVEYNAME}. Deine Antworten wurden bei uns gespeichert.Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen zu dieser E-Mail hast, kontaktiere bitte {ADMINNAME} unter {ADMINEMAIL}.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,{ADMINNAME}" de-informal SL surveyls_dateformat 1 de-informal SL email_admin_notification_subj "Antwortabsendung für Umfrage {SURVEYNAME}" de-informal SL email_admin_notification "Hallo,Eine neue Antwort wurde für die Umfrage '{SURVEYNAME}' abgegeben.Klicke auf den folgenden Link um die Umfrage neu zu laden:{RELOADURL}Klicke auf den folgenden Link um den Antwortdatensatz anzusehen:{VIEWRESPONSEURL}Klicke auf den folgenden Link um den Antwortdatensatz zu bearbeiten:{EDITRESPONSEURL}Um die Statistik zu sehen, klicke hier:{STATISTICSURL}" de-informal SL email_admin_responses_subj "Antwortabsendung für Umfrage %s" de-informal SL email_admin_responses "Hallo,Eine neue Antwort wurde für die Umfrage '{SURVEYNAME}' abgegeben.Klicke auf den folgenden Link um die Umfrage neu zu laden:{RELOADURL}Klicke auf den folgenden Link um den Antwortdatensatz anzusehen:{VIEWRESPONSEURL}Klicke auf den folgenden Link um den Antwortdatensatz zu bearbeiten:{EDITRESPONSEURL}Um die Statistik zu sehen, klicke hier:{STATISTICSURL}Die folgenden Antworten wurden vom Teilnehmer gegeben:{ANSWERTABLE}" de-informal SL surveyls_numberformat 0 de-informal SL surveyls_survey_id 924389 en SL surveyls_language en en SL surveyls_title "Sample LimeSurvey EN/FR/DE/IT" en SL surveyls_description "This survey show all question type of LimeSurvey with some option" en SL surveyls_welcometext "

This is the welcome text for the survey! You can can edit it in the survey properties.

" en SL surveyls_endtext "

This is the end message for the survey! A good place to thank you to answer to this survey.

" en SL surveyls_policy_notice en SL surveyls_policy_error en SL surveyls_policy_notice_label en SL surveyls_url en SL surveyls_urldescription "The end URL description of your survey. This URL can be automatically load when survey is completed." en SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Invitation to participate in survey" en SL surveyls_email_invite "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You have been invited to participate in a survey.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL}" en SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Reminder to participate in survey" en SL surveyls_email_remind "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.

We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL}" en SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Survey registration confirmation" en SL surveyls_email_register "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.

To complete this survey, click on the following URL:


If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}." en SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confirmation of completed survey" en SL surveyls_email_confirm "Dear {FIRSTNAME},

This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.

If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.


{ADMINNAME}" en SL surveyls_dateformat 5 en SL email_admin_notification_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME}" en SL email_admin_notification "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:
{STATISTICSURL}" en SL email_admin_responses_subj "Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results" en SL email_admin_responses "Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:

The following answers were given by the participant:
{ANSWERTABLE}" en SL surveyls_numberformat 0 en SL surveyls_survey_id 924389 fr SL surveyls_language fr fr SL surveyls_title "Exemple de questionnaire EN/FR/DE" fr SL surveyls_description "Ce sondage montre toutes les types de questions de LimeSurvey et quelques options." fr SL surveyls_welcometext "

Ceci est le message d'accueil de votre sondage !! Vous pouvez l'éditer dans les paramètres du questionnaire.

" fr SL surveyls_endtext "

Ceci est le message de fin de votre questionnaire ! Un bon endroit pour vous remercier d'avoir répondu à ce questionnaire.

" fr SL surveyls_policy_notice fr SL surveyls_policy_error fr SL surveyls_policy_notice_label fr SL surveyls_url fr SL surveyls_urldescription "La description de l'URL de fin, ce sondage est distribué sous Licence GPL" fr SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Invitation à participer à un questionnaire" fr SL surveyls_email_invite "Cher(e) {FIRSTNAME},

Vous avez été invité à participer à un questionnaire.

Celui-ci est intitulé :


Pour participer, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.



Cliquez ici pour remplir ce questionnaire :

Si vous ne souhaitez pas participer à ce questionnaire et ne souhaitez plus recevoir aucune invitation, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :
{OPTOUTURL}" fr SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Rappel pour participer à un questionnaire" fr SL surveyls_email_remind "Cher(e) {FIRSTNAME},

Vous avez été invité à participer à un questionnaire récemment.

Nous avons pris en compte que vous n'avez pas encore complété le questionnaire, et nous vous rappelons que celui-ci est toujours disponible si vous souhaitez participer.

Le questionnaire est intitulé :


Pour participer, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.



Cliquez ici pour faire le questionnaire:

Si vous ne souhaitez pas participer à ce questionnaire et ne souhaitez plus recevoir aucune invitation, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :
{OPTOUTURL}" fr SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Confirmation de l'inscription au questionnaire" fr SL surveyls_email_register "Cher(e){FIRSTNAME},

Vous (ou quelqu'un utilisant votre adresse électronique) vous êtes enregistré pour participer à un questionnaire en ligne intitulé {SURVEYNAME}.

Pour compléter ce questionnaire, cliquez sur le lien suivant :


Si vous avez des questions à propos de ce questionnaire, ou si vous ne vous êtes pas enregistré pour participer à celui-ci et croyez que ce courriel est une erreur, veuillez contacter {ADMINNAME} sur {ADMINEMAIL}" fr SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confirmation de questionnaire complété" fr SL surveyls_email_confirm "Cher(e) {FIRSTNAME},

Ce courriel vous confirme que vous avez complété le questionnaire intitulé {SURVEYNAME} et que votre réponse a été enregistrée. Merci pour votre participation.

Si vous avez des questions à propos de ce courriel, veuillez contacter {ADMINNAME} sur {ADMINEMAIL}.


{ADMINNAME}" fr SL surveyls_dateformat 5 fr SL email_admin_notification_subj "Soumission de réponse pour le questionnaire {SURVEYNAME}" fr SL email_admin_notification "Bonjour,

Une nouvelle réponse a été soumise pour votre questionnaire '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour recharger votre questionnaire :

Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour voir la réponse :

Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour éditer la réponse :

Visualiser les statistiques en cliquant ici :

les réponses suivantes ont été données par le participant :
{ANSWERTABLE}" fr SL email_admin_responses_subj "Soumission de réponse pour le questionnaire {SURVEYNAME} avec résultats" fr SL email_admin_responses "Bonjour,

Une nouvelle réponse a été soumise pour votre questionnaire '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour recharger votre questionnaire :

Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour voir la réponse :

Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour éditer la réponse individuelle :

Visualiser les statistiques en cliquant ici :

les réponses suivantes ont été données par le participant :
{ANSWERTABLE}" fr SL surveyls_numberformat 1 fr SL surveyls_survey_id 924389 it SL surveyls_language it it SL surveyls_title "Sample LimeSurvey EN/FR/DE/IT" it SL surveyls_description "Questa indagine presenta tutti i tipi di domanda di LimeSurvey con alcune opzioni aggiuntive" it SL surveyls_welcometext "

Questo è il messaggio di benvenuto dell'indagine!!!

E' possibile modificarlo nelle impostazioni di indagine


" it SL surveyls_endtext "

Questo è il messaggio di chiusura dell'indagine, dopo che il rispondente ha premuto INVIA.

E' possibile modificarlo nelle impostazioni di indagine

" it SL surveyls_policy_notice "Questo è il messaggio sui termini dei dati dell'indagine" it SL surveyls_policy_error "Questo è il messaggio di errore sui termini dei dati dell'indagine" it SL surveyls_policy_notice_label "Questa etichetta spiega i termini dei dati di indagine" it SL surveyls_url it SL surveyls_urldescription it SL surveyls_email_invite_subj "Invito per partecipare all'indagine" it SL surveyls_email_invite "Egregio/a {FIRSTNAME},

è invitato a partecipare ad un'indagine on line.

L'indagine è intitolata:


Per partecipare fare click sul link in basso.

Cordiali saluti,{ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})

Fare click qui per accedere al questionario e rispondere alle domande relative:

Se non si intende partecipare a questa indagine e non si vogliono ricevere altri inviti, si può cliccare sul seguente collegamento:

Se è presente in blacklist ma vuole partecipare a questa indagine e ricevere inviti, vada al seguente link:
{OPTINURL}" it SL surveyls_email_remind_subj "Promemoria per partecipare all'indagine" it SL surveyls_email_remind "Egregio/a {FIRSTNAME},
Recentemente ha ricevuto un invito a partecipare ad un'indagine on line.

Abbiamo notato che non ha ancora completato il questionario. Con l'occasione Le ricordiamo che il questionario è ancora disponibile.

L'indagine è intitolata:


Per partecipare fare clic sul link qui sotto.

Cordiali saluti,


Fare clic qui per accedere all'indagine e rispondere al questionario:

Se non si intende partecipare a questa indagine e non si vogliono ricevere altri inviti, si può cliccare sul seguente collegamento:
{OPTOUTURL}" it SL surveyls_email_register_subj "Conferma di registrazione all'indagine" it SL surveyls_email_register "Egregio/a {FIRSTNAME},

Lei (o qualcuno che ha utilizzato il suo indirizzo e-mail) si è registrato per partecipare all'indagine on line intitolata {SURVEYNAME}.

Per completare il questionario fare clic sul seguente indirizzo:


Se ha qualche domanda, o se non si è registrato e ritiene che questa e-mail ti sia pervenuta per errore, la preghiamo di contattare {ADMINNAME} all'indirizzo {ADMINEMAIL}." it SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj "Confermare la partecipazione all'indagine" it SL surveyls_email_confirm "Egregio/a {FIRSTNAME},

Questa e-mail le è stata inviata per confermarle che ha completato correttamente il questionario intitolato {SURVEYNAME} e che le sue risposte sono state salvate. Grazie per la partecipazione.

Se ha ulteriori domande circa questo messaggio, la prego di contattare {ADMINNAME} all'indirizzo e-mail {ADMINEMAIL}.

Cordiali saluti

{ADMINNAME}" it SL surveyls_dateformat 5 it SL email_admin_notification_subj "Invio di una risposta all'indagine {SURVEYNAME}" it SL email_admin_notification "Salve,

Una nuova risposta é stata inviata per l'indagine '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Fare click sul link seguente per vedere le risposte individuali:

Fare click sul link seguente per modificare le risposte individuali:

Fare clic sul link seguente per visualizzare le statistiche:
{STATISTICSURL}" it SL email_admin_responses_subj "Invio di una risposta all'indagine {SURVEYNAME} con risultati" it SL email_admin_responses "Salve,

Una nuova risposta è stata inviata dall'indagine '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Fare clic sul link seguente per vedere la risposta individuale:

Fare clic sul link seguente per modificare la risposta individuale:

Fare clic sul link seguente per visualizzare le statistiche:

Le seguenti risposte sono state date dal partecipante:
{ANSWERTABLE}" it SL surveyls_numberformat 0 it 938 G 0 "Text question" "This is the description for text question group." en 14431 Q S S "Short free text" "This is the help text" en N N 0 14432 Q T T "Long free text" en N N 0 14433 Q U H "Huge free text" en N N 0 14434 Q S S1 "Short free text (Numbers only)" en N N 0 1 14435 Q T T1 "Long free text (Input box width :3, Display rows : 2 , Maximum characters : 6)" en N N 0 2 6 3 14436 Q Q Q "Multiple short text" en N N 0 14515 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 14516 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 14517 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 14518 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 14437 Q Q Q1 "Multiple short text (Display rows : 2, Random answer order)" en N N 0 2 1 14519 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 14520 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 14521 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 14522 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 14438 Q Q M2 "Multiple short text, with long answers (Maximum characters: 2, Numbers only, Input box width : 2)" en N N 0 2 1 3 14552 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 14553 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 14554 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 14555 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 14461 Q ; AT "Array Texts" "This is an array question" en N N 0 14523 SQ SQY01 "Some example subquestion - Y" en N N 0 14527 SQ 1 SQX01 "Some example subquestion - X" en N N 0 14524 SQ SQY02 "New answer subquestion - Y" en N N 0 14528 SQ 1 SQX02 "New answer subquestion - X" en N N 0 14525 SQ SQY03 "Third subquestion - Y" en N N 0 14529 SQ 1 SQX03 "Third subquestion - X" en N N 0 14526 SQ SQY04 "Last subquestion - Y" en N N 0 14530 SQ 1 SQX04 "Last subquestion - X" en N N 0 939 G 1 "Numeric question" "This is the description for numeric question group." en 14439 Q N N "Numerical input" en N N 0 14440 Q K MN "Multiple numerical input" en N N 0 14556 SQ SQ01 1 "Some example subquestion" en N N 0 14557 SQ SQ02 1 "New answer subquestion" en N N 0 14558 SQ SQ03 1 "Third subquestion" en N N 0 14559 SQ SQ04 1 "Last subquestion" en N N 0 14441 Q K MNM "Multiple numerical input (Minimum sum value : 3, Maximum sum value : 10, Maximum characters :1 )" "Can use value from precedent question with EM" en N N 0 10 1 3 14488 SQ SQ001 Apples en N N 0 14489 SQ SQ002 Oranges en N N 0 14490 SQ SQ003 Bananas en N N 0 14442 Q K Q2 "Multiple numerical input (Use slider layout, Slider accuracy : 0.1, min and max value, use of text separator )" en N N 0 0.1 5 1 10 1 1 1 14531 SQ SQ01 "Some example subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 14532 SQ SQ02 "New answer subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 14533 SQ SQ03 "Third subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 14534 SQ SQ04 "Last subquestion|less|more" en N N 0 14462 Q : ANT "Array numbers (text input)" "This is an array type question" en N N 0 1 14495 SQ 1 SQX01 "X-axis example subquestion" en N N 0 14499 SQ SQY01 "Y-axis example subquestion" en N N 0 14496 SQ 1 SQX02 "X-axis new answer subquestion" en N N 0 14500 SQ SQY02 "Y-axis new answer subquestion" en N N 0 14497 SQ 1 SQX03 "X-axis third subquestion" en N N 0 14501 SQ SQY03 "Y-axis third subquestion" en N N 0 14498 SQ 1 SQX04 "X-axis last subquestion" en N N 0 14502 SQ SQY04 "Y-axis last subquestion" en N N 0 940 G 2 "Single choice question" "The single choice questions group description" en 14443 Q Y Y Yes/No en N N 0 109 100 QTAM N 14444 Q G G Gender en N N 0 110 99 QTAM M 14445 Q 5 q5 "5 point choice" en N N 0 14446 Q I I "Language switch" "

This question change the language of the actual survey : don't use for other thing.

It can be interesting to use it at survey start

" en N N 0 14467 Q ! ldd "List dropdown (default option)" en N N A0 1 14467 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 14467 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 14467 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 14467 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 14467 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 14447 Q ! ldc "List dropdown (with category)" en N N 0 - 14447 A 0 A11 "first category - Some example answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A12 "first category - New answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A13 "first category - Third answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A14 "first category - Last answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A21 "second category - Some example answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A22 "second category - New answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A23 "second category - Third answer option" en 1 14447 A 0 A24 "second category - Last answer option" en 1 14448 Q L L "List radio" en N Y 0 1 1 111 99 QTAM A1 14448 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 14448 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 14448 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 14448 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 14448 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 14449 Q O O "List radio with comment" en N N 0 14449 A 0 A1 "Some example answer option" en 1 14449 A 0 A2 "New answer option" en 1 14449 A 0 A0 "Default option" en 1 14449 A 0 A3 "Third answer option" en 1 14449 A 0 A4 "Last answer option" en 1 14453 Q D D Date en N N 0 PHP notice

PHP notice

Array to string conversion


2597                     // question attributes
2598                     if ($index_languages == 0 && array_key_exists($question['qid'], $attributes)){
2599                         foreach ($attributes[$question['qid']] as $key => $attribute) {
2600                             if (in_array($attribute['attribute'], array_keys($fields))){
2601                                 if (is_array($attribute['value']) && safecount($attribute['attribute']) > 0){
2602                                     $tsv_output[$attribute['attribute']] = implode(' ', $attribute['value']);
2603                                 } else {
2604                                     $tsv_output[$attribute['attribute']] = $attribute['value'];
2605                                 }
2606                             }
2607                         }
2608                     }
2609                     fputcsv($out, $tsv_output, chr(9));
2611                     // quota members
2612                     if ($index_languages == 0 && !empty($quota_members[$qid])){
2613                         foreach ($quota_members[$qid] as $key => $member) {
2614                             $tsv_output = $fields;
2615                             $tsv_output['id'] = $member['id'];
2616                             $tsv_output['related_id'] = $member['quota_id'];
2617                             $tsv_output['class'] = 'QTAM';
2618                             $tsv_output['name'] = $member['code'];
2619                             fputcsv($out, $tsv_output, chr(9));
2620                         }
2621                     }

Stack Trace

 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/helpers/export_helper.php(2609): fputcsv(resource, array("id" => "14456", "related_id" => "", "class" => "Q", "type/scale" => "F", ...), " ")
2604                                     $tsv_output[$attribute['attribute']] = $attribute['value'];
2605                                 }
2606                             }
2607                         }
2608                     }
2609                     fputcsv($out, $tsv_output, chr(9));
2611                     // quota members
2612                     if ($index_languages == 0 && !empty($quota_members[$qid])){
2613                         foreach ($quota_members[$qid] as $key => $member) {
2614                             $tsv_output = $fields;
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/controllers/admin/export.php(1313): tsvSurveyExport("924389")
1308         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
1309         header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
1310         header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
1311         header("Pragma: public"); // HTTP/1.0
1313         tsvSurveyExport($surveyid);
1314     }
1316     /**
1317      * @param string $content_type
1318      */
 /mnt/data/shnoulle/nginx/www/master/application/controllers/admin/export.php(1056): export->_exporttsv("924389")
1052                 echo quexml_export($iSurveyID, $quexmllang);
1053                 Yii::app()->end();
1054             }
1055         } elseif ($action == 'exportstructuretsv') {
1056             $this->_exporttsv($iSurveyID);
1057         } elseif ($action == "exportarchive") {
1058             $this->_exportarchive($iSurveyID);
1059         } elseif ($action == "exportprintables") {
1060             $this->_exportPrintableHtmls($iSurveyID);
1061         }
2019-08-08 20:26:36 nginx/1.14.2 Yii Framework/1.1.21