PHP notice

Trying to get property of non-object


147             }
148         }
150         // We check if the file is a twig file or a php file
151         // This allow us to twig the view one by one, from PHP to twig.
152         // The check will be removed when 100% of the views will have been twig
153         if (file_exists($requiredView.'.twig')) {
154             // We're not using the Yii Theming system, so we don't use parent::renderFile
155             // current controller properties will be accessible as {{ }}
157             //  aData and surveyInfo variables are accessible from question type twig files
158             $aData['aData'] = $aData;
159             $sBaseLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($_SESSION['LEMsid'])->language;
160             $aData['surveyInfo'] = getSurveyInfo($_SESSION['LEMsid'], $sBaseLanguage);
161             $aData['this'] = Yii::app()->getController();
163             // check if this method is called from theme editor
164             if (empty($aData['bIsThemeEditor'])){
165                     $aData['question_template_attribute'] = $oQuestionTemplate->getCustomAttributes();
166                 } else {
167                     $aData['question_template_attribute'] = null;
168                 }
169             $template = $this->_twig->loadTemplate($sView.'.twig')->render($aData);
170             return $template;
171         } else {

Stack Trace

 /var/www/lime25/limesurvey/application/views/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answerlist_view.php(5): LSETwigViewRenderer->renderQuestion("/survey/questions/answer/listradio/columns/column_header", array("bIsThemeEditor" => true, "iColumnWidth" => 12, "aData" => array("bIsThemeEditor" => true, "iColumnWidth" => 12)))
01 <?php
02 /* Set some part */
03 $sRows="";
04 $sRows .= App()->twigRenderer->renderQuestion('/survey/questions/answer/listradio/columns/column_header', array(
05     'bIsThemeEditor' => true,
06     'iColumnWidth' => 12));
07 $sRows .= App()->twigRenderer->renderQuestion('/survey/questions/answer/listradio/rows/answer_row', array(
08     'bIsThemeEditor' => true,
09     'sDisplayStyle' => '',
10     'name'          => '1234X56X79',
 /var/www/lime25/limesurvey/application/views/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answer_view.php(6): CController->renderPartial("/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answerlist_view")
1 <!-- templateeditor_question_answer_view -->
2 <?php
3 if (isset($alt)){
4     App()->getController()->renderPartial('/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answertext_view');
5 }else{
6     App()->getController()->renderPartial('/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answerlist_view');
7 }
8 ?>
9 <!-- endof templateeditor_question_answer_view -->
 /var/www/lime25/limesurvey/application/controllers/admin/themes.php(994): CController->renderPartial("/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answer_view", array(), true)
989                         'coreClass'=>"em-tip ", // Unsure for this one
990                         'vtip'=>gT('Hint when response is valid')
991                     ), true),
992                 );
994                 $aReplacements['ANSWER'] = $this->getController()->renderPartial('/admin/themes/templateeditor_question_answer_view', array(), true);
995                 $aData['aReplacements'] = array_merge($aGlobalReplacements, $aReplacements);
997                 // Group Datas
998                 $thissurvey['aGroups'][1]["name"]            = $groupname;
999                 $thissurvey['aGroups'][1]["showdescription"] = true;
2018-06-06 18:05:17 Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Yii Framework/1.1.19