PHP notice

Undefined index: surveyls_dateformat


786         {
787             $aDateFormatDetails = array();
788             $aDateFormatDetails['dateformat'] = trim($aQidAttributes['date_format']);
789             $aDateFormatDetails['phpdate'] = getPHPDateFromDateFormat($aDateFormatDetails['dateformat']);
790             $aDateFormatDetails['jsdate'] = getJSDateFromDateFormat($aDateFormatDetails['dateformat']);
791         }
792         else
793         {
794             if(!is_array($mThisSurvey))
795             {
796                 $mThisSurvey = array('surveyls_dateformat' => getDateFormatForSID($mThisSurvey));
797             }
798             $aDateFormatDetails = getDateFormatData($mThisSurvey['surveyls_dateformat']);
799         }
800         return $aDateFormatDetails;
801     }
804     /**
805     * Get the date format for a specified survey
806     *
807     * @param $surveyid integer Survey id
808     * @param $languagecode string Survey language code (optional)
809     * @returns integer
810     *

Stack Trace

 /home/ getDateFormatDataForQID(array("dropdown_dates" => 0, "date_min" => "1900-01-01", "date_max" => "2000-12-12", "em_validation_q" => "", ...), array("hyperlinkSyntaxHighlighting" => true))
3159                 if ($date_min!='' || $date_max!='')
3160                 {
3161                     //Get date format of current question and convert date in help text accordingly
3162                     $LEM =& LimeExpressionManager::singleton();
3163                     $aAttributes=$LEM->getQuestionAttributesForEM($LEM->sid, $questionNum,$_SESSION['LEMlang']);
3164                     $aDateFormatData=getDateFormatDataForQID($aAttributes[$questionNum],$LEM->surveyOptions);
3165                     $_minV = (($date_min == '') ? "''" : "if((strtotime(".$date_min.")), date('".$aDateFormatData['phpdate']."', strtotime(".$date_min.")),'')");
3166                     $_maxV = (($date_max == '') ? "''" : "if((strtotime(".$date_max.")), date('".$aDateFormatData['phpdate']."', strtotime(".$date_max.")),'')");
3167                     $qtips['value_range']=
3168                         "{if(!is_empty($_minV) && is_empty($_maxV), sprintf('".$this->gT("Answer must be greater or equal to %s")."',$_minV), '')}" .
3169                         "{if(is_empty($_minV) && !is_empty($_maxV), sprintf('".$this->gT("Answer must be less or equal to %s")."',$_maxV), '')}" .
 /home/ LimeExpressionManager->_CreateSubQLevelRelevanceAndValidationEqns()
6735                         $LEM->maxGroupSeq = $gseq;
6736                     }
6738                     if (!$LEM->allOnOnePage || ($LEM->allOnOnePage && !$LEM->processedRelevance)) {
6739                         $LEM->ProcessAllNeededRelevance();  // TODO - what if this is called using Survey or Data Entry format?
6740                         $LEM->_CreateSubQLevelRelevanceAndValidationEqns();
6741                         $LEM->processedRelevance=true;
6742                     }
6743                 }
6744             }
6745         }
 /home/ LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingGroup("1955", false, 897638)
988         $aGrouplist = QuestionGroup::model()->getGroups($iSurveyID);
989         $initializedReplacementFields = false;
991         foreach ($aGrouplist as $iGID => $aGroup)
992         {
993             LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingGroup($aGroup['gid'], false, $iSurveyID);
994             if (!$initializedReplacementFields) {
995                 templatereplace("{SITENAME}"); // Hack to ensure the EM sets values of LimeReplacementFields
996                 $initializedReplacementFields = true;
997             }
2014-10-27 14:01:36 Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Yii Framework/1.1.15