PHP notice

Trying to get property of non-object


1765 /**
1766 *
1767 * @param type $iSurveyID The Survey ID
1768 * @param type $sFieldCode Field code of the particular field
1769 * @param type $sValue The stored response value
1770 * @param object $oLanguage Initialized limesurvey_lang object for the resulting response data
1771 * @return string
1772 */
1773 function getExtendedAnswer($iSurveyID, $sFieldCode, $sValue, $oLanguage)
1774 {
1775     if (is_null($sValue) || $sValue=='') return '';
1776     $sLanguage = $oLanguage->langcode;
1777     //Fieldcode used to determine question, $sValue used to match against answer code
1778     //Returns NULL if question type does not suit
1779     if (strpos($sFieldCode, "{$iSurveyID}X")===0) //Only check if it looks like a real fieldcode
1780     {
1781         $fieldmap = createFieldMap($iSurveyID,'short',false,false,$sLanguage);
1782         if (isset($fieldmap[$sFieldCode]))
1783             $fields = $fieldmap[$sFieldCode];
1784         else
1785             return false;
1786         //Find out the question type
1787         $this_type = $fields['type'];
1788         switch($this_type)

Stack Trace

 /home/u329040/ getExtendedAnswer("763981", "id", "7", "ru")
5775                 }
5776             }
5777         }
5778         else
5779         {
5780             $answer=getExtendedAnswer($iSurveyID,$fname['fieldname'], $idrow[$fname['fieldname']],$sLanguageCode);
5781             $aResultTable[$fname['fieldname']]=array($question,'',$answer);
5782             continue;
5783         }
5784         if (isset($fname['subquestion']))
5785             $subquestion = "{$fname['subquestion']}";
 /home/u329040/ getFullResponseTable("763981", "7", "ru", true)
144         LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingPage(true);  // means that all variables are on the same page
145         // Since all data are loaded, and don't need JavaScript, pretend all from Group 1
146         LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingGroup(1,($thissurvey['anonymized']!="N"),$surveyid);
148         $aFullResponseTable = getFullResponseTable($surveyid,$id,$language,true);
150         //Get the fieldmap @TODO: do we need to filter out some fields?
151         unset ($aFullResponseTable['id']);
152         unset ($aFullResponseTable['token']);
153         unset ($aFullResponseTable['lastpage']);
 /home/u329040/ CApplication->run()
166  *
167  */
168 require_once BASEPATH . 'yii' . EXT;
169 require_once APPPATH . 'core/LSYii_Application' . EXT;
171 Yii::createApplication('LSYii_Application', APPPATH . 'config/config' . EXT)->run();
173 /* End of file index.php */
174 /* Location: ./index.php */
2012-06-21 17:04:45 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.10