var DOM1; $(document).ready(function() { // Jquery-ui navigation buttons navbuttonsJqueryUi(); addClassEmpty(); DOM1 = (typeof document.getElementsByTagName!='undefined'); if (typeof LEMsetTabIndexes === 'function') { LEMsetTabIndexes(); } if (typeof checkconditions!='undefined') checkconditions(); if (typeof template_onload!='undefined') template_onload(); prepareCellAdapters(); if (typeof(focus_element) != 'undefined') { $(focus_element).focus(); } $(".question").find("select").each(function () { hookEvent($(this).attr('id'),'mousewheel',noScroll); }); // Keypad functions var kp = $("input.num-keypad"); if(kp.length) { kp.keypad({ showAnim: 'fadeIn', keypadOnly: false, onKeypress: function(key, value, inst) { $(this).trigger('keyup'); } }); } kp = $(".text-keypad"); if(kp.length) { var spacer = $.keypad.HALF_SPACE; for(var i = 0; i != 8; ++i) spacer += $.keypad.SPACE; kp.keypad({ showAnim: 'fadeIn', keypadOnly: false, layout: [ spacer + $.keypad.CLEAR + $.keypad.CLOSE, $.keypad.SPACE, '!@#$%^&*()_=' + $.keypad.HALF_SPACE + $.keypad.BACK, $.keypad.HALF_SPACE + '`~[]{}<>\\|/' + $.keypad.SPACE + $.keypad.SPACE + '789', 'qwertyuiop\'"' + $.keypad.HALF_SPACE + $.keypad.SPACE + '456', $.keypad.HALF_SPACE + 'asdfghjkl;:' + $.keypad.SPACE + $.keypad.SPACE + '123', $.keypad.SPACE + 'zxcvbnm,.?' + $.keypad.SPACE + $.keypad.SPACE + $.keypad.HALF_SPACE + '-0+', $.keypad.SHIFT + $.keypad.SPACE_BAR + $.keypad.ENTER], onKeypress: function(key, value, inst) { $(this).trigger('keyup'); } }); } // Maxlength for textareas TODO limit to not CSS3 compatible browser maxlengthtextarea(); // Maps $(".location").each(function(index,element){ var question = $(element).attr('name'); var coordinates = $(element).val(); var latLng = coordinates.split(" "); var question_id = question.substr(0,question.length-2); if ($("#mapservice_"+question_id).val()==1){ // Google Maps if (gmaps[''+question] == undefined) { GMapsInitialize(question,latLng[0],latLng[1]); } } else if ($("#mapservice_"+question_id).val()==2){ // Open Street Map if (osmaps[''+question]==undefined) { osmaps[''+question] = OSMapInitialize(question,latLng[0],latLng[1]); } } }); $(".location").live('focusout',function(event){ var question = $('name'); var name = question.substr(0,question.length - 2); var coordinates = $('value'); var xy = coordinates.split(" "); var currentMap = gmaps[question]; var marker = gmaps['marker__'+question]; var markerLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(xy[0],xy[1]); geocodeAddress(name, markerLatLng); marker.setPosition(markerLatLng); currentMap.panTo(markerLatLng); }); // #index if ($("#index").size() && $("#index .row.current").size()){ var idx = $("#index"); var row = $("#index .row.current"); idx.scrollTop(row.position().top - idx.height() / 2 - row.height() / 2); } }); // Set jquery-ui to LS Button function navbuttonsJqueryUi(){ if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)<8 && $('button.submit').length > 0) { // Get rid of the focus outline in IE7 $('#movenextbtn, #movesubmitbtn').focus().blur(); } $('[dir!="rtl"] #moveprevbtn').button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-w' } }); $('[dir="rtl"] #moveprevbtn').button({ icons: { secondary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e' } }); $('[dir!="rtl"] #movenextbtn').button({ icons: { secondary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e' } }); $('[dir="rtl"] #movenextbtn').button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-w' } }); $('#movesubmitbtn, input.saveall, input.clearall').button(); } // Put a empty class on empty answer text item (limit to answers part) function addClassEmpty(){ $('.answer-item input.text[value=""]').addClass('empty'); $('.answer-item input[type=text][value=""]').addClass('empty'); $('.answer-item textarea').each(function(index) { if ($(this).val() == ""){ $(this).addClass('empty'); } }); $(".answer-item input.text,.text-item input[type=text]").live("blur", function(){ if ($(this).val() == ""){ $(this).addClass('empty'); }else{ $(this).removeClass('empty'); } }); $(".answer-item textarea").live("blur", function(){ if ($(this).val() == ""){ $(this).addClass('empty'); }else{ $(this).removeClass('empty'); } }); } gmaps = new Object; osmaps = new Object; zoom = []; // OSMap functions function OSMapInitialize(question,lat,lng){ map = new OpenLayers.Map("gmap_canvas_" + question); map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()); var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lat,lng) .transform( new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), // transform from WGS 1984 map.getProjectionObject() // to Spherical Mercator Projection ); var zoom=11; var markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers( "Markers" ); map.addLayer(markers); markers.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(lonLat)); map.setCenter (lonLat, zoom); return map; } //// Google Maps Functions (for API V3) //// // Initialize map function GMapsInitialize(question,lat,lng) { var name = question.substr(0,question.length - 2); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); var mapOptions = { zoom: zoom[name], center: latlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("gmap_canvas_" + question), mapOptions); gmaps[''+question] = map; var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, draggable:true, map: map, id: 'marker__'+question }); gmaps['marker__'+question] = marker; google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'rightclick', function(event) { marker.setPosition(event.latLng); map.panTo(event.latLng); geocodeAddress(name, event.latLng); $("#answer"+question).val(Math.round(*10000)/10000 + " " + Math.round(event.latLng.lng()*10000)/10000); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function(event) { //map.panTo(event.latLng); geocodeAddress(name, event.latLng); $("#answer"+question).val(Math.round(*10000)/10000 + " " + Math.round(event.latLng.lng()*10000)/10000); }); } // Reset map when shown by conditions function resetMap(qID) { var question = $('#question'+qID+' input.location').attr('name'); var name = question.substr(0,question.length - 2); var coordinates = $('#question'+qID+' input.location').attr('value'); var xy = coordinates.split(" "); if(gmaps[question]) { var currentMap = gmaps[question]; var marker = gmaps['marker__'+question]; var markerLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(xy[0],xy[1]); marker.setPosition(markerLatLng); google.maps.event.trigger(currentMap, 'resize') currentMap.setCenter(markerLatLng); } } // Reverse geocoder function geocodeAddress(name, pos) { var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var city = ''; var state = ''; var country = ''; var postal = ''; geocoder.geocode({ latLng: pos }, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results[0]) { $(results[0].address_components).each(function(i, val) { if($.inArray('locality', val.types) > -1) { city = val.short_name; } else if($.inArray('administrative_area_level_1', val.types) > -1) { state = val.short_name; } else if($.inArray('country', val.types) > -1) { country = val.short_name; } else if($.inArray('postal_code', val.types) > -1) { postal = val.short_name; } }); var location = (results[0].geometry.location); } getInfoToStore(name,, pos.lng(), city, state, country, postal); }); } // Store address info function getInfoToStore(name, lat, lng, city, state, country, postal){ var boycott = $("#boycott_"+name).val(); // 2 - city; 3 - state; 4 - country; 5 - postal if (boycott.indexOf("2")!=-1) city = ''; if (boycott.indexOf("3")!=-1) state = ''; if (boycott.indexOf("4")!=-1) country = ''; if (boycott.indexOf("5")!=-1) postal = ''; $("#answer"+name).val(lat + ';' + lng + ';' + city + ';' + state + ';' + country + ';' + postal); } Array.prototype.push = function() { var n = this.length >>> 0; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { this[n] = arguments[i]; n = n + 1 >>> 0; } this.length = n; return n; }; Array.prototype.pop = function() { var n = this.length >>> 0, value; if (n) { value = this[--n]; delete this[n]; } this.length = n; return value; }; //defined in group.php & question.php & survey.php, but a static function function inArray(needle, haystack) { for (h in haystack) { if (haystack[h] == needle) { return true; } } return false; } //defined in group.php & survey.php, but a static function function match_regex(testedstring,str_regexp) { // Regular expression test if (str_regexp == '' || testedstring == '') return false; pattern = new RegExp(str_regexp); return pattern.test(testedstring) } function cellAdapter(evt,src) { var eChild = null, eChildren = src.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); var curCount = eChildren.length; //This cell contains multiple controls, don't know which to set. if (eChildren.length > 1) { //Some cells contain hidden fields for (i = 0; i < eChildren.length; i++) { if ( ( eChildren[i].type == 'radio' || eChildren[i].type == 'checkbox' ) && eChild == null) eChild = eChildren[i]; else if ( ( eChildren[i].type == 'radio' || eChildren[i].type == 'checkbox' ) && eChild != null) { //A cell with multiple radio buttons -- unhandled return; } } } else eChild = eChildren[0]; if (eChild && eChild.type == 'radio') { eChild.checked = true; //Make sure the change propagates to the conditions handling mechanism if(eChild.onclick) eChild.onclick(evt); if(eChild.onchange) eChild.onchange(evt); } else if (eChild && eChild.type == 'checkbox') { eChild.checked = !eChild.checked; //Make sure the change propagates to the conditions handling mechanism if(eChild.onclick) eChild.onclick(evt); if(eChild.onchange) eChild.onchange(evt); } } function prepareCellAdapters() { if (!DOM1) return; var formCtls = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); var ptr = null; var foundTD = false; for (var i = 0; i < formCtls.length; i++) { ptr = formCtls[i]; if (ptr.type == 'radio' || ptr.type == 'checkbox') { foundTD = false; while (ptr && !foundTD) { if(ptr.nodeName == 'TD') { foundTD = true; ptr.onclick = function(evt){ return cellAdapter(evt,this); }; continue; } ptr = ptr.parentNode; } } } } function addHiddenField(theform,thename,thevalue) { var myel = document.createElement('input'); myel.type = 'hidden'; = thename; theform.appendChild(myel); myel.value = thevalue; } function cancelBubbleThis(eventObject) { if (!eventObject) var eventObject = window.event; eventObject.cancelBubble = true; if (eventObject && eventObject.stopPropagation) { eventObject.stopPropagation(); } } function cancelEvent(e) { e = e ? e : window.event; if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.cancel = true; e.returnValue = false; return false; } function hookEvent(element, eventName, callback) { if(typeof(element) == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); if(element == null) return; if(element.addEventListener) { if(eventName == 'mousewheel') element.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', callback, false); element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false); } else if(element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, callback); } function noScroll(e) { e = e ? e : window.event; cancelEvent(e); } function getkey(e) { if (window.event) return window.event.keyCode; else if (e) return e.which; else return null; } function goodchars(e, goods) { var key, keychar; key = getkey(e); if (key == null) return true; // get character keychar = String.fromCharCode(key); keychar = keychar.toLowerCase(); goods = goods.toLowerCase(); // check goodkeys if (goods.indexOf(keychar) != -1) return true; // control keys if ( key==null || key==0 || key==8 || key==9 || key==27 ) return true; // else return false return false; } function show_hide_group(group_id) { var questionCount; // First let's show the group description, otherwise, all its childs would have the hidden status $("#group-" + group_id).show(); // If all questions in this group are conditionnal // Count visible questions in this group questionCount=$("div#group-" + group_id).find("div[id^='question']:visible").size(); if( questionCount == 0 ) { $("#group-" + group_id).hide(); } } function navigator_countdown_btn() { return $('#movenextbtn, #moveprevbtn, #movesubmitbtn'); } function navigator_countdown_end() { navigator_countdown_btn().each(function(i, e) { e.value = $(e).data('text'); $(e).attr('disabled', ''); }); $(window).data('countdown', null); } function navigator_countdown_int() { var n = $(window).data('countdown'); if(n) { navigator_countdown_btn().each(function(i, e) { e.value = $(e).data('text'); // just count-down for delays longer than 1 second if(n > 1) e.value += " (" + n + ")"; }); $(window).data('countdown', --n); } window.setTimeout((n > 0? navigator_countdown_int: navigator_countdown_end), 1000); } function navigator_countdown(n) { $(document).ready(function() { $(window).data('countdown', n); navigator_countdown_btn().each(function(i, e) { $(e).data('text', e.value); }); navigator_countdown_int(); }); } function std_onsubmit_handler() { // disable double-posts in all forms $('#moveprevbtn, #movenextbtn, #movesubmitbtn').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return true; } // round function from function round (value, precision, mode) { // var m, f, isHalf, sgn; // helper variables precision |= 0; // making sure precision is integer m = Math.pow(10, precision); value *= m; sgn = (value > 0) | -(value < 0); // sign of the number isHalf = value % 1 === 0.5 * sgn; f = Math.floor(value); if (isHalf) { switch (mode) { case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN': value = f + (sgn < 0); // rounds .5 toward zero break; case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN': value = f + (f % 2 * sgn); // rouds .5 towards the next even integer break; case 'PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD': value = f + !(f % 2); // rounds .5 towards the next odd integer break; default: value = f + (sgn > 0); // rounds .5 away from zero } } return (isHalf ? value : Math.round(value)) / m; } // ========================================================== // totals function multi_set(ids,_radix) { //quick ie check var ie=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0)?true:false; //match for grand var _match_grand = new RegExp('grand'); //match for total var _match_total = new RegExp('total'); var radix = _radix; // comma, period, X (for not using numbers only) //main function (obj) //id = wrapper id function multi_total(id) { if(!document.getElementById(id)){return;}; //alert('multi total called value ' + id); //generic vars //grand total 0 = none, 1 = horo, 2 = vert set if grand found var _grand = 0; //multi array holder var _bits = new Array(); //var _obj = document.getElementById(id); //grab the tr's var _obj = document.getElementById(id);//.getElementsByTagName('table'); //alert(_obj.length); var _tr = _obj.getElementsByTagName('tr'); //counter used in top level of _bits array var _counter = 0; //generic for vars var _i = 0; var _l = _tr.length; for(_i=0; _i<_l; _i++) { //check we really have inputs to deal with if(_tr[_i].getElementsByTagName('input')) { var _td = _tr[_i].getElementsByTagName('td'); //start building some nice arrays _bits.push(new Array()); //clear the vert var set when total found in tr var vert =false; if(_tr[_i].className && _tr[_i].className.match(_match_total,'ig')) { //will need to set it up vertical vert = true; }; //generic for vars for second level _bits[_i] var _a=0; var _al = _td.length; //alert(_al + ' ' + _i); if(_al > 0) { // //counter for inner array var _tcounter=0; for(_a=0; _a < _al; _a++) { //only bother if we have inputs if(_td[_a].getElementsByTagName('input')) { //grab the first text input var _tdin = first_text(_td[_a].getElementsByTagName('input')); //check we got a text input if(_tdin) { //add it to the array @ counter _bits[_counter].push(_tdin); //set key board actions _tdin.onkeydown = _in_key; _tdin.onchange = calc; //check for total and grand total if(_td[_a].className && _td[_a].className.match(_match_total,'ig')) { //clear the key events with false returns _tdin.onkeydown = dummy; _tdin.onkeyup = dummy; //need to check for grand if(_td[_a].className.match(_match_grand,'ig')) { //set up a grand total if(vert && _bits[_counter].length > 1) { _grand=1; //run calc across last row calc_horo(_bits.length - 1); } else { _grand=2; _bits[_counter][_bits[0].length - 1]=_bits[_counter][0]; //run calc on last col calc_vert(_bits[0].length - 1); } } else { //set up horo horo_set_up(_counter); }; }; if(vert && _grand == 0) { //deal with vert calc and clear the keyboard action _tdin.onkeydown = dummy; _tdin.onkeyup = dummy; vert_set_up(_tcounter); }; _tcounter++; }; }; }; //check we got some thing that time if(_bits[_counter].length == 0) { _bits.pop(); } else { _counter++; } } else { //remove blanks _bits.pop(); } }; }; //returns the first text input or false function first_text(arr) { var i=0; var l=arr.length; for(i=0; i maxlen) { $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, maxlen)); } }); $("textarea[maxlength]").keyup(function(){ // For copy/paste (not for all browser) var maxlen=$(this).attr("maxlength"); if ($(this).val().length > maxlen) { $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, maxlen)); } }); $("textarea[maxlength]").keydown(function(event){ // No new key after maxlength var maxlen=$(this).attr("maxlength"); var k =event.keyCode; if (($(this).val().length >= maxlen) && !(k == null ||k==0||k==8||k==9||k==13||k==27||k==37||k==38||k==39||k==40||k==46)) { // Don't accept new key except NULL,Backspace,Tab,Enter,Esc,arrows,Delete return false; } }); }