PHP warning

Undefined array key "de"


135                 QuotaMember::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array('quota_id' => $aRow['id']));
136             }
137         }
139         Quota::model()->deleteAllByAttributes($condition);
140     }
142     /**
143      * @return QuotaLanguageSetting
144      */
145     public function getMainLanguagesetting()
146     {
147         return $this->languagesettings[$this->survey->language];
148     }
150     public function getCompleteCount()
151     {
152         if (!tableExists("survey_{$this->sid}")) {
153             return null;
154         }
155         /* Must control if column name exist (@todo : move this to QuotaMember::model(), even with deactivated survey*/
156         $aExistingColumnName = SurveyDynamic::model($this->sid)->getTableSchema()->getColumnNames();
157         if (count($this->quotaMembers) > 0) {
158             // Keep a list of fields for easy reference
159             $aQuotaColumns = array();

Stack Trace

 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/quotas/viewquotas_quota_members.php(36): CActiveRecord->__get("mainLanguagesetting")
31 <div class="card card-primary <?= ($oQuota->active==1 ? 'border-left-success' : 'inactive border-left-warning') ?>">
32     <div class="card-header ">
33         <div class="float-end small">
34             <span><span class="<?= $icon ?>"></span> <?= $tooltip ?></span>
35             <?php if($oQuota->autoload_url == 1):?>
36                 <span><span class=" ri-external-link-fill"></span> <?php echo gT('Autoload URL:').' '.htmlentities((string) $oQuota->mainLanguagesetting->quotals_url);?></span>
37             <?php endif;?>
38         </div>
39         <?php echo CHtml::encode($oQuota->name) ;?>
40     </div>
41     <table class="table table-quota-items table-striped table-condensed" >
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/quotas/index.php(70): CController->renderPartial("/ quotas/viewquotas_quota_members", array("oSurvey" => Survey, "oQuota" => Quota, "aQuotaItems" => array(27 => array(array("oQuestion" => Question, "answer_title" => "0 - 17", "oQuotaMember" => QuotaMember, "valid" => true)), 26 => array(array("oQuestion" => Question, "answer_title" => "Nein", "oQuotaMember" => QuotaMember, "valid" => true)), 28 => array(array("oQuestion" => Question, "answer_title" => "Nein", "oQuotaMember" => QuotaMember, "valid" => true)), 29 => array(array("oQuestion" => Question, "answer_title" => "Nein, und ich habe auch keine Pläne, in der Fitnessbranche selb...", "oQuotaMember" => QuotaMember, "valid" => true)))), true)
65                                 'name'        => gT('Quota members'),
66                                 'type'        => 'raw',
67                                 'htmlOptions' => ['style' => 'vertical-align:top'],
68                                 'value'       => function ($oQuota) use ($oSurvey, $aQuotaItems) {
69                                     /** @var Quota $oQuota */
70                                     $out = '<p>' . $this->renderPartial(
71                                             '/quotas/viewquotas_quota_members',
72                                             [
73                                                 'oSurvey'     => $oSurvey,
74                                                 'oQuota'      => $oQuota,
75                                                 'aQuotaItems' => $aQuotaItems,
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/quotas/index.php(37): CBaseController->widget("application.extensions.admin.grid.CLSGridView", array("dataProvider" => CArrayDataProvider, "id" => "quota-grid", "ajaxUpdate" => "quota-grid", "lsAfterAjaxUpdate" => array("onQuotaOpenAction();", "bindListItemclick();"), ...))
33             <?php if ($oDataProvider->itemCount > 0) :?>
34             <!-- Grid -->
35             <div class="row">
36                 <div class="col-12 content-right">
37                     <?php $this->widget('application.extensions.admin.grid.CLSGridView', [
38                         'dataProvider'          => $oDataProvider,
39                         'id'                    => 'quota-grid',
40                         'ajaxUpdate'            => 'quota-grid',
41                         'lsAfterAjaxUpdate'     => ['onQuotaOpenAction();', 'bindListItemclick();'],
42                         'emptyText'             => gT('No quotas'),
2025-03-04 17:39:37 nginx/1.22.1 Yii Framework/1.1.30