PHP warning

A non-numeric value encountered


114             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
115             $criteria->condition = 'number_attempts >= :attempts AND ip = :ip AND is_frontend = :is_frontend';
116             $criteria->params = array(
117                 ':attempts' => $maxLoginAttempt,
118                 ':ip' => $ip,
119                 ':is_frontend' => ($attemptType === FailedLoginAttempt::TYPE_TOKEN)
120             );
121             $row = $this->find($criteria);
122         }
124         if ($row != null) {
125             $lastattempt = strtotime($row->last_attempt);
126             if (time() > $lastattempt + $timeOut) {
127                 $this->deleteAttempts($attemptType);
128             } else {
129                 $isLockedOut = true;
130             }
131         }
132         return $isLockedOut;
133     }
135     /**
136      * Records a failed login-attempt if IP is not already locked out
137      *
138      * @param string attempt type ('login' or 'token')

Stack Trace

 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/ls5/application/helpers/frontend_helper.php(1257): FailedLoginAttempt->isLockedOut("token")
1252  * @return string[] ($renderToken, $FlashError)
1253  */
1254 function testIfTokenIsValid(array $subscenarios, array $thissurvey, array $aEnterTokenData, $clienttoken)
1255 {
1256     $FlashError = '';
1257     if (FailedLoginAttempt::model()->isLockedOut(FailedLoginAttempt::TYPE_TOKEN)) {
1258         $FlashError = sprintf(gT('You have exceeded the number of maximum access code validation attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again.'), App()->getConfig('timeOutParticipants') / 60);
1259         $renderToken = 'main';
1260     } else {
1261         if (!$subscenarios['tokenValid']) {
1262             //Check if there is a clienttoken set
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/ls5/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(1677): testIfTokenIsValid(array("captchaCorrect" => true, "tokenValid" => true), array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "tokenencryptionoptions" => "{ "enabled":"Y","columns":{ "firstname":"N","lastname":"N","emai...", "template" => "vanilla", ...), array("bNewTest" => false, "bDirectReload" => false, "iSurveyId" => "845743", "sLangCode" => "fr"), "sezvaezrzer")
1672         }
1674         // Scenario => Token required
1675         if ($scenarios['tokenRequired'] && !$preview) {
1676             //Test if token is valid
1677             list($renderToken, $FlashError, $aEnterTokenData) = testIfTokenIsValid($subscenarios, $this->aSurveyInfo, $aEnterTokenData, $clienttoken);
1678         }
1680         if ($FlashError) {
1681             $aEnterErrors['flash'] = $FlashError;
1682         }
 /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/ls5/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(200): SurveyRuntimeHelper->showTokenOrCaptchaFormsIfNeeded()
195         extract($args);
197         ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
198         // 1: We check if token and/or captcha form shouls be shown
199         if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid]['step'])) {
200             $this->showTokenOrCaptchaFormsIfNeeded();
201         }
202         if (!$this->previewgrp && !$this->previewquestion) {
203             $this->initMove(); // main methods to init session, LEM, moves, errors, etc
204             $this->checkForDataSecurityAccepted(); // must be called after initMove to allow LEM to be initialized
205             if (EmCacheHelper::useCache()) {
2023-11-14 10:00:39 nginx/1.22.1 Yii Framework/1.1.28