PHP notice

Undefined variable: surveyActivated


02 App()->getClientScript()->registerPackage('jquery-nestedSortable');
03 App()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile(App()->getConfig('adminscripts') . 'organize.js', LSYii_ClientScript::POS_BEGIN);
04 App()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->getConfig('publicstyleurl') . 'organize.css');
05 ?>
07 <div id='edit-survey-text-element' class='side-body <?php echo getSideBodyClass(true); ?>'>
08     <div class='row'>
09         <div class='col-md-8'>
10             <?php
11             $this->widget('ext.AlertWidget.AlertWidget', [
12                     'header' => 'Reordering',
13                     'text' => gT("To reorder questions/questiongroups just drag the question/group with your mouse to the desired position.") . ' ' .
14                         ($surveyActivated ? gT("Survey is activated, you can not move a question to another group.") : "") . ' ' .
15                         gT("After you are done, please click the 'Save' button to save your changes."),
16                     'type' => 'info',
17             ]);
18             ?>
19         </div>
20         <div class='col-md-4'>
21             <button id='organizer-collapse-all' class='btn btn-outline-secondary'><span class='ri-fullscreen-exit-line'></span>&nbsp;<?php eT("Collapse all"); ?></button>
22             <button id='organizer-expand-all' class='btn btn-outline-secondary'><span class='ri-fullscreen-exit-line'></span>&nbsp;<?php eT("Expand all"); ?></button>
23         </div>
24     </div>
26     <div class='movableList'>

Stack Trace

 /home/shnoulle/Public/webdev/master/application/views/questionAdministration/listquestions.php(45): CController->renderPartial("/admin/survey/organizeGroupsAndQuestions_view", array("surveyid" => 564748, "aGroupsAndQuestions" => array(array("gid" => "1560", "group_text" => "1560 Mon premier groupe de question", "questions" => array(array("question" => "[<span class="em-expression">1</span>] Q00 Une première questio...", "gid" => "1560", "qid" => "19381", "title" => "Q00"))))))
40             ) ?>
41         </div>
42         <div id="reorder" class="tab-pane row">
43             <?php $this->renderPartial('/admin/survey/organizeGroupsAndQuestions_view',[
44                 'surveyid' => $surveyid,
45                 'aGroupsAndQuestions' => $aGroupsAndQuestions,
47             ]) ?>
48         </div>
49     </div>
50 </div>
 /home/shnoulle/Public/webdev/master/application/controllers/QuestionAdministrationController.php(347): CController->render("listquestions", array("oSurvey" => Survey, "surveyid" => 564748, "sid" => 564748, "sidemenu" => array("listquestions" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), ...))
342              'surveycontent',
343              'create'
344          );
347         $this->render("listquestions", $aData);
348     }
350     public function getGroupData($oSurvey)
351     {
352         $model    = new QuestionGroup('search');
 /home/shnoulle/Public/webdev/master/application/controllers/LSBaseController.php(145): CController->run("listQuestions")
140                     $this->redirect(array('/admin/authentication/sa/login'));
141                 }
142             }
143         }
145         parent::run($action);
146     }
148     /**
149      * Load and set session vars
150      *
2023-07-24 16:58:25 nginx/1.22.1 Yii Framework/1.1.28